Chapter 11

"... Sir, we're here."

The sound awakens my senses.


I open my eyes, and 4 middle-sized seats are in front of me. What I'm hearing is the speaker above, or so that's what it seems.

"Sir, we're already in Vex City."

I lean closer to get my baggage.

"Thank you for driving me here," I say.

"It's nothing, sir. You're the pride of your country after all."

Through the window, I can see a field of grass and the concrete where planes have formed a queue.

"Goodbye. Please enjoy your stay here in Vex City."

"Thank you."

Getting off the jet makes me feel a strange sensation on my skin. I roam my sight, and the electrifying sensation disappears. What's that?

Although quite heavy, I manage to carry my baggage downstairs. A tall man with white skin, wearing an apple green uniform, stands in front of me. He gestures a salute.

"Good morning, sir! Welcome to Vex City. My name is Craig Jameson. Nice to meet you."

Craig offers his hand. I accept it.

"I'm Matt. Nice to meet you too."

"I'll be your guide for today. Shall we go?"

"Thank you."

Craig leads the way. While we are paving, I notice several planes were parked on both sides. All of them look like passenger planes and not like the private jet that the government of my country provided. A great number of people are with their things, however, it's strange that I don't see anyone accompanying them like Craig.

There are no special mechanisms, nor floating platforms, and no cyborgs, even aliens. Just a hangar and a modern looking airport made of glass. On the top of the building, there is signage saying 'Vex City Airport'. This is a lot tamer than I've expected from a city famed for its Scientific advancements.

On the left is a courtyard. A man in a hard hat looks diligent while holding equipment, but something's different. His feet are meters off the ground. He's floating?

"That's an employee, Matt," Craig tells.

I turn to him. "Ah. Yeah."

"Don't be afraid. He's also a Sken."

Right, I'm a Sken now.

"In his case, the ability he has is flight. That means he can fly in high horizons, or now, float in higher level."

"Do all Skens fly?"

"All individuals differ from one another as ability do vary, although there are some who share the same ability." he gestures to the fence. "For example, see that man over there?"

At the distance, a man in the same hard hat is fixing the fence.

"He's emitting fire?"

"You're right. The fence has broken into two, and now, instead of using a welder, he's using his ability to fuse it together."

"I see."

"How about you, what is your ability?"


He nods.

"Actually, I have no idea."

His eyebrows arch for a moment, but then, they become relaxed.

"I understand."

We continue walking until we reach the entrance. The glass door opens on its own. Behind it is a female guard in a white uniform standing with the rostrum-like platform beside her.

"May I check your baggage sir?" she asks.

"Sure," I say.

The guard leans closer to my baggage. She positions her face in front of the surface. She returns it shortly so we walk.

There are many people inside. Some of them wear this maroon polo shirt having the name of the airport at the back. Most of them are Koreans, but I can see some Caucasians, mostly Americans.

Craig guides me to a booth, the immigration. A 3-lined queue fronts me. It's divided into National, Senior Citizens, and Non-immigrants. We walk to the Non-immigrants.

A lady in a gray dress smiles.

"Good morning, sir," she says.

"Good morning," I say.

"You can give your files to her," Craig says.


I place the folder and zip file by the small opening of the glass. She takes it, and I turn to Craig.

"It's my first time in an airport, and I'm really glad that you're helping me," I say.

"It's my duty to guide you. Especially because the government of your country asks me to assist you."

Really? Now, I see why others don't have anyone helping them.

I return to the lady. She is shuffling the files in her hands.

"What's the nature of your visit?" she raises the question.

"I'll be studying here."

"What school will you be attending?"

What's that again? "J-jip-u-"

"Jip-Eun Sig Academy?"

"Yeah. That's it."

"Where will you be staying?"

"I'll be staying at the school dormitory. That's what the government told me back then."

"How long will you be staying here?"

"Until I finish college."

"What school are you planning to attend in college?"

"I still haven't made up my mind."

"But are you planning to get a baccalaureate degree?"



She casts a cold stare at me. In a moment, her eyes change color. From brown, it turns to light gray. I flinch. What the?

"Don't move Matt. This is a part of the process." Craig says.


Looking ahead, the face of the woman is stiff. Her eyes are steady, but both of them are wide open like they're observing every detail of my face. Should I make an expression?

The lady pats the counter.

"Please lend me both of your hands."

I place my hand on the opening just like she requested. She stares at it.

"Thank you," she says.

Opposing, she turns her back. The computer she's facing suddenly flashes a page that has many writings. What's on the left side is a display of a face.

Huh? That's me. That's my appearance now.

In an instant, the computer begins registering my name, age, country, and other information about me. The letters pass so fast I can't read them anymore.

"Don't worry."

I avert to Craig.

"She's a Sken, and her ability is Technological Telepathy."

"What's that?"

His lips get thin. "It's the kind of ability wherein you can communicate with any gadgets by the means of your mind."


"But it's actually rare. She's the only one I know who has that ability."

"Excuse me, sir, here are your files." the voice of the lady calls to my attention.

"Thank you."

To my backpack, I place the folder.

"Shall we continue?"


After some walking, we encounter an arc in the middle of the grounds. The big sign identifies we are currently t the Customs.

"We need to check the contents of your baggage before leaving," Craig says.

"I thought the guard already checked it?"

"Well, she kind of does, but she only checked if you have any illegal paraphernalia. This time, they will check if the contents of your baggage are appropriate according to the standards of the city."

"I see."


A sharp sound stabs my ears. Apparently, a guard has already charged in front of me and blocked his hands to keep me from moving.

"Sir, please stand still," he says.

Suddenly, my body stiffens, and though it doesn't hurt, I can't move any muscle. Another officer takes my things away.

The guard points to the right.

"You can wait in the waiting area while we're checking your baggage sir," he says.


I roam my head, but Craig is nowhere to be found. Instead, a girl is in front of me, gazing with her gentle eyes.

The lights of the ceiling make contact with her skin to radiate. She's beautiful.

"I'm sorry but are you lost?" the girl speaks in English.

Oh. "No. No. I'm just looking for someone. Do you see someone in a green uniform?"

"Green uniform?"

"Matt!" a voice shouts.

I turn to the voice. In the chair sits a man in a green uniform, Craig.

"That's him. I've got to go."

The girl bobs her head. "Take care."

"You didn't hear me?" Craig asks.


"Earlier, before the officer spoke to you, I said that I'll be waiting here."

"I heard nothing."

"...It's alright, at least you've found me. You're talking to someone earlier, have you made a friend?"

"Not a friend. I probably bumped her if I haven't turned my head on time."

He slides himself against the chair. "We're just waiting for your baggage to arrive. They're checking it there."

"It's fine. I'm not in a hurry."

"Don't worry because it will not take long." he tugs the right sleeve of his uniform. On his finger, there's a rose gold ring with intricate carvings of an image I can't depict.

Is that a wedding ring?

"By the way, you said that you're studying at Jip-Eun Sig Academy."

"My father wants me to study there."

"To study in an elite school like that, you must be from a rich family."

Well, you're not wrong but... "Actually, the government of my country is the one who's supporting my study. My parents' share will be just foods, clothes, and other stuff like that."

"That's good to hear." he bores a soft but firm gaze at me. "Finally, the Philippines has its own representative of Sken. The experiment really succeeded this time."


"You know, every country without their native Skens are forced to conduct an experiment regulated by UN."

"Experiment? What for?"

"To create their own Sken."

Huh? "But I wa—"

He stands up. "Look, you're baggage is already here."

They're already done? That's faster than I'd expected.

"Let us go." Craig invites.

He has my backpack resting against his shoulders while my baggage is in his other hand.

"Atleast let me carry the baggage."

"There is no need. You must be tired from your flight, so I'll be carrying these instead."

"Ok, but just because you insist."

We exit the building. Outside, a diversity of people becomes a sighting. Someone in a crop top shirt and denim mini shorts is talking to a brown-skinned man who has curly locks. There are also other nationalities. I spot a set of blue eyes and blonde hair that reflects with the sun.

"Can you speak Korean?"

"I studied before I came, and I learned to speak the basics. But I'm still not good."

"Impressive! You should really learn it. Most people, especially the natives, speak in pure Korean. It's even included in the curriculum so you're really forced to learn. I only happen to speak English because I'm not originally from here."

"Ah. That reminds me." I move to my backpack. "I'll just get something from my bag."

"Alright." he hands it to me.

From the secret pocket, I get the one-piece translator they gave me. I insert the piece in my left ear.


"It's a translator to help me understand Korean."


I nod. "The government back there gave this to me."

"That's news. And it isn't odd-looking at all."

"But still, I have to learn Korean immediately."

"Yes, you should."

He walks to the edge of the pavement. Now, before us is a white sedan car with edgy armor on the bumper. There are prints on the doors that read as VCTC. It's an acronym for Vex City Taxi Cab.

"Here's the cab, Matt."

The door opens. A middle-aged man comes out, it's the driver.

He bows at me. "Joh-eu— morning sir!"

He's speaking in Korean, but it turns translated to English in seconds' time. What should I say?

I imitate the driver's gestures. "Good morning."

Craig looks at me. "He's from the Philippines. Please drive him to Jip-Eun Sig Academy."

"Understood." the driver says.

The driver opens the door, and I enter the cab. A faint scent of fresh pines lingers inside.

"Thank you," I say to Craig. "Goodbye."

"Yes. Have a great time in Vex City, Matt."

"I will."

After putting the baggage in the compartment, the driver joins me inside. I close the door to my right, then, the cab starts moving.