Chapter 12

The cab turns to the left.

A few branches above are hanging loosely, but the road remains deserted. Not a single building is present, just pure unlit streetlights surround the place. This is kinda creepy.

After some time, we stop before a high black metal gate. It opens.

The glass window next to the driver rolls.

"Good morning, sir. What brings us here?" a clean-shaven guard asks while holding a green hardcover book.

"I'm driving him inside the school." the driver says.

The guard shifts his gaze at me. "What's your name?"

"Isaiah Matthew Cruz."

He looks at the book. Then, he raises his head.

"Isaiah Matthew Cruz, is that correct?"


"From what country are you from?"

"Philippines. I'm from the Philippines."


He salutes. Suddenly, red light makes contact with the surface of the cab. It starts from the bumper and goes until to the compartment. After the light dies down, we move forward.

After some time, another gate appears, but this time, it's painted in red. The name of the school, appearing lustrous, is on the arch that extends wide. The horn of the cab beeps like a duck. The panels of the gate open. Outside, the place keeps on changing until we arrive in the middle of the campus.

"We're here, sir." the driver speaks.

"How much is it?"

"4,000 W."

I give an orange banknote. Receiving it, he brings the banknote to the radio just to hold it in front of a lens. He presses a silver button underneath. Suddenly, a panel appears and withdraws a blue banknote.


"Here's your change."

"Thank you."

I find myself standing in the centerfold. On my right, there's a small armored statue of a female. Its long hair is carved to make it look like it's flowing freely in the direction of the wind. From the texture of the surface, it's safe to assume that it's a marble.

I walk.

Benches are placed on the grounds. Beacon lights are located beside it, and its gold embellishments shine under the sunlight. Covering the entire field is the bermudagrass. In the middle is a cobblestone pavement.

Am I really in Vex City? I thought that this place is going to be modern looking.

A soft object hits my skin. I flinch. Apparently, it's a pigeon that came from the rectangular window of the building. Looking at it make me notice the red brick wall of the building. Also the gray cornice against the teal gable roof. It matches the description of the main building, so I approach it.

My shoes make a loud sound as I stomp on the wooden floor. I can see my reflection down there, but it isn't slippery at all. On the ceiling hangs a lacey-tiered candle chandelier.

The main hallway is empty, however, another hallway is on my left. It has signage saying '1-A' as the sign '1-B' displays on the other side. Nevertheless, I choose to take the path straight ahead.

Passing several rooms, I notice all of them have the same design, the same dark brown doors. The only difference is the numberings on the metal plate.

101, 102, 103, 104...

Where's the registrar's office?

"Excuse me."

I look to the voice. I see a man in a pale yellow jumpsuit. He's carrying a mop in his left hand and has a dustbin behind.

"Sorry," I say.

"Are you a student here?" the man asks. "Do you need something?"

Oh. The translator is translating everything well.

"I'm a new student. Actually, I'm looking for the registrar's office. Can you show me the way, please?"

"Sure." he places the mop inside the compartment of the dustbin. "Follow me."

He walks first. The distance between us isn't far from each other, but I still keep some. After a while, we arrive at hallway 1-C. The same design and materials greet my senses, and the only difference is the metal lockers residing near the rooms.

We make a turn to the right. A wider hallway fronts us. In the end, there's a room.

"That is the registrar's office." the man speaks.

I bow my head. "Thank you."

"You're welcome."

I have nothing better to do, and since I'm alone, I knock on the door.

"Please come in." a voice resounds inside.

My heart bangs in my chest, I can even hear it pounding in my head, but I push the door forward.

Inside, a green carpet serves as the floor cover. On the left side of the room is a triptych of Bosch's The Garden of Earthly Delights that seems to be snickering at me. What an interesting choice of art.

2 office tables are at the far end. The table on the right is empty while the one on the left is occupied by a woman in her mid-20s. Her eyes are glued to the stack of papers on her desk. I need to catch her attention.

I clear my throat. "Good morning. I'm a new student here."

She drops her pen. "G-good morning. Please sit on the chair."

"Thank you."

I walk to her desk.

"What do you need?"

"Good morning, ma'am. I'm a new student, and I came to enroll myself."

Now that I'm looking at her, the depths of her eyes are shining in an odd way.

What does she want?

"What's your name?" her voice breaks my thoughts.

"Isaiah Matthew Cruz."

"Just wait for a moment."

She turns her attention to the computer next to her.

*Click clack click clack*

The clacking sound of the computer resounds. Apparently, she is searching for something in the system.

"Isaiah Matthew Cruz?"


"What country are you from?"

"I'm from the Philippines."

"Let's see... You're already enrolled online. I just need to scan the documents you have." she leans closer to the desk. "You happen to have them with you, didn't you?"

Hmm? Is she smirking?

"Yes. I do have them with me."

I get the personal documents from my backpack. Anne placed it inside a long brown envelope insisting that I should be organized. I give it to the woman.

She steals a glance at them and throws them to the scanner immediately.

"You'll be staying in the dormitory, right?"

"I am."

"Can you speak Korean?"

"I can speak a few basic words. I'm still learning."

"Ok then."

She drops her hands to the keyboard like a seal asking for food.

*Click clack click clack*

The sound of the keyboard fills the silence.

"Just wait here, alright?"

"I will."

Suddenly, she walks to the door behind.

The room becomes quiet. I like it as I can reflect on the decisions I've made. I'm going to live on my own from now. Finally, I can do art without needing anyone's consent so I should make the most of it.


The door creates a loud sound. Then, a man in a white button-up comes out of the room together with the woman earlier. He's taller compared to the woman but is also Korean. He approaches the desk of the woman. Meanwhile, the woman walks in front of me, swaying her hips side to side.

"Alright." she flashes a smile. "I'll escort you to the dormitory."