Chapter 5

During the four-day period that Wade had regenerated his arm, he read the guide carefully. Which, contrary to appearances, was not a book of skills that gives immediate knowledge. But a plain paper book that covered the most important aspects in a room fight. From the use of walls or whatever is at hand. What to watch out for and what not to do. A specific 300 page book, but very practical.

Wade also, as an exception, began researching television and if he bypassed the news channels. The world of DC has a really rich cinematography. And while superhero movies are rare and most of them are representations of events that took place before. Or parodies like Superman's woodpecker or the most interesting thing if Superman were angry. The latter is just a fan movie on YT. But the quality and possibly the budget seemed to be on the scale of world movies.

However, the biggest advantage of this little vacation is discovering that anime. There is more in this world, and none of the anime existing in the old and new world of Wade. They have many more seasons. Wade even considered staying in bed for a month. However, the reality is that he is currently in DC. She brought him back to his senses. And he decided to compromise his addiction from a past life.

From the simple fact that Wade has to train, it is after returning home, several episodes of the anime. Which will not only give him moments of relaxation, but also make his typical thank you even more pleasant.

So, after that time, Wade went to the bay first thing in the morning. And after eating your sandwich, looking at the Teen Titans headquarters. Wade began training the third martial art, Judo.

Judo is a modern martial art, its most prominent characteristic is its competive nature, where the goal is to either throw or takedown one's opponent to the ground, immobilize, or subdue them with a grapple, or force them to submit by joint locking or strangle hold or choke.

Wade chose this style to enhance his struggle to not kill his opponent.

Judo seemed harder to master. Wade guessed it was because it had a different approach to combat than Hapkido and the latter. However, after eight days had elapsed, Wade achieved the championship. But Wade's feeling of being watched grew stronger.

Wade didn't care though, nobody knows enough about him. That a person practicing martial arts in the bay would be more than an athlete, without too much danger. that was what Wade thought.

Wade only got a x2 Skill Gacha Ticket this time. Which surprised him a bit as there were only two awards. And not three as in the previous case. However, with the fact that Wade could not file a complaint, he decided to put the two tickets aside. And wait until he masters the next fighting style. After that, make a lottery drawing and, based on your new skills, develop a new training.

This decision is reinforced by the fact that Wade after the incident with the gunshot. He felt vulnerable, vulnerable. So he decided to focus on martial arts training and take care of the basics that will ensure his survival.

Another martial art that Wade chose was Muay Thai.

Muay Thai (Thai Boxing) is a traditional Thai martial art & sport, of which has grown into a popular style with a strong emphasis on knee and elbow strikes when applied with aggression. Muay Thai employs all of the punching that Western Boxing offers including the jab, cross, hook, uppercut, overhand, & etc. It also employs the Thai round kick, the lead and rear leg front kick known as the "teip" along with straight and round knees as well as elbows. The ring tools of Muay Thai are also very practical, as well as, simple and brutally effective when applied to "street" self-defense applications. This is to be in addition to more direct fistfighting at close range.

The Muay Thai training itself lasted about 9 days, it was exhausting training. And now Wade who will sit on a friendly stone on the coast. Looks at Status and ponders.


Name: Wade Stone


Class: Martial arts master [lvl.4]

Title: Random Victim

Race: Human


STR-85 [Standard male human 30-60]







Martial arts:

>Hapkido(Master level)

>Tae kwon do (Master level)

>Judo (Master level)

> Muay Thai (Master level)


>Double Jump[lvl.Max]

>Demons Eve[lvl.1]

>Fire Black Fist [lvl.2]



Wade was pleased with the training, progress was visible to the naked eye.

However, it was not enough, he did not have many options. When it comes to fighting even a missile. And despite the fact that thanks to the stats, he is able to dodge. Not when there are too many enemies or when the terrain does not allow you to dodge. And his armor, though stylish. It is not indestructible, nor does it have magical properties. So, hoping for the best, Wade used his newly acquired Gacha Tickets.

[Activate: x3 Skill Gacha Ticket, x1 Magic Skill Gacha Ticket,]

[Recived: Adhesion, Accuracy,Linguistics, Fire Ball]

[Fire Ball mutated by coexistence with the Black Fire Fist skill. Recived: Black Fire Ball]


Name: Wade Stone


Class: Martial arts master [lvl.4]

Title: Random Victim

Race: Human


STR-85 [Standard male human 30-60]







Martial arts:

>Hapkido(Master level)

>Tae kwon do (Master level)

>Judo (Master level)

> Muay Thai (Master level)


>Double Jump[lvl.Max]

>Demons Eve[lvl.1]

>Fire Black Fist [lvl.2]


>Adhesion[lvl.Max](The user can freely adhere to any physical surface while eliminating the effect of gravity on the body ... One of the powers of Spiderman.)

>Accuracy[lvl.1](User accuracy and predicting the trajectories of thrown objects. Increased by 10% per level.)

>Linguistics[lvl.1](10% faster language learning per level.)

>Black Fire Ball[lvl.1](The user has the ability to generate a fire projectile from any part of the body and manipulate it on the user's will. The skill uses a small amount of stamina to activate.)


As Wade eat his sandwich, he read the descriptions of his new skills. He felt a slight tap on the frame and he heard it.
