Dralex related what she saw to her father when Prislla had an affair with Mandolin in the past and now she can even do more even now that she's fast-growing through her puberty.

Her little breasts now taking shape out of her gown is evidence she was fast growing up.

And when her lovely tiny voice came, their ears stood.

"What I said was true. They tore her pant because she refused to remove it herself. They held unto her breasts and started sucking it and then deep their hands into her private, she screamed and then—"

"And then what? Eric asked.

"And they said tomorrow is my turn—" Dralex muttered.

"What!" Prislla shouted. "The principal—did you tell her or any of the teachers around about this. Or they don't know what's going on or pretend not to?"

Dralex nodded but added quickly. "They threatened us never to talk or they watch us starve or hurt us."

"What a hell is going on in Cretex? What's this darkness about? And the principal couldn't see past it—what nonsense." Prislla was mad now as she walked around confused.

"You must calm down Darling, let's hear her out and then—okay let's hear her complete her story first." Eric watched her sit.

"They said they are lesbian's stars in the boarding house and are initiating new members with lovely bodies into the club and that we will come to love every bit of it as time goes on. These girls are our seniors and I sometimes caught some of them through my window at night kissing and squeezing their breasts. And also hear them scream in ecstasy. The whole thing is immoral and I have to escape the night before my initiation." She hissed. "I can't watch my pants tore in pieces and my breasts licked and caressed, I can't Dad." Tears rolled down her eyes once more.

Eric opened his eyes in amazement, the story looks difficult to believe but from an honest lip of Dralex, it can't be difficult.

He gazed at her and then began gradually. "I've heard you Dralex and we believe you. I will go and find out tomorrow in your school what is happening. I guess the school authority may be looking for you—I mean your whereabouts. I will do that before they start calling home. Go inside your bedroom and have some rest—I am sorry for the cane. I think I misunderstood everything from the start—go upstairs now"

Dralex stood up quietly and walked away, happy her Dad apologized.

Prislla could sense Dralex's searching eyes on her and came to know she already knew she was pregnant.

Sighing loudly as she sank into the chair near Eric. They both stared at each other, figuring out what to do next.

The ring, yes the ring. It was the ring Demora Tala wanted to give him but later changed his mind. It looks similar and he felt so sure about it. He put his right hand forward to pick it but quickly changed his mind and just stood admiring it. And as he did, memories of the past flooded through his mind with eyes open wide as if picturing everything afresh.

The scene came weak but much later grew stronger. It wasn't as though he had completely forgotten everything or what happened but he took his time to remember the scene of the ring. The scene of the ring, yes the scene but—

His eyes rolled again and this time, the picture of the scene dropped before his narrowed eyes. And as it did, the words of Demora Tala followed—the same words he spoke when he lifted the ring before the crystal ball.

"Life is wicked and wickedness can only emanate from the den of the heart of evil—evil crawls into the hearts of men, out of the realm of darkness and when it gets hold of them they turn wicked and when that happens. Life becomes wicked. Listen to me, my son—Mandolin, this ring I give to those who I find faithful. It will be given to you on your third visit."

Pastor Mandolin knew he never made a third visit.

The second visit was horrible. He merely escaped sex with the lady of Tura that would have fully initiated him into the realm of the miles.

As his memories fired on, the words of Demora Tala crept in again.

"The ring is an eye, it sees far into the spiritual realm even the physical when you put it on and when it is pulled out of your seventh finger, the realm of miles can see you"

"Can see you? Me?" He came around as he stood still. He can tell now the evil of miles are watching.

Why did she drop the ring?

Is it for the demons of miles to see her or me?

As he scratched his head, the words of Demora sprang up again.

"The ring changes to the deadliest of all dragons with seven horns after two hours if not seen or found and the target, is a dead man."

"What?" Pastor Mandolin screamed. "That's why she left it."

His eyes caught the wall clock again as he struggled to figure out the time Sonita left it behind and now.

He hit his feet on the floor in frustration as he struggled more to figure out the time.

Suddenly, he got it!

It was only five minutes remaining for it to change into a mysterious Dragon. His tongues shivered, his hands weaken beside him as cold shot through his bones.

"What should I do now?" He whispered. "Sonita was sent from Demora Tala." He added with his thought shooting wide.

How come Neo knew her and now Demora have her as an agent after her death?

Was she dead?

As his thoughts scattered in his mind. His eyes fell on the wall clock again—three minutes more.

Demora voice resumed in his head again.

"When the ring is thrown into water it reveals the seven sexy ladies of the sea dock and I know you love ladies. When thrown into the bush it exposes the dark angels of Tamala but never use oil on it. It disappears and you lost the power."


What oil?

Pastor Mandolin searched his drawers and brought out his olive oil and soon it was time. Suddenly saw the ring gradually changing. He sprinkled oil on it and it disappeared with a strange noise that echoed within the house.

Pastor Mandolin fell back and started shouting, Jesus. He knew he had made a mistake from the start.

He knew it is only the blessings of God that makes anyone rich and adds no sorrow.

The gifts of darkness attract terms and conditions.

He also knew there was a battle ahead and the time to get prepared is now. He sank into his armchair with eyes still on the chair the ring sat a while ago before its sudden disappearance.