He noticed the woman wasn't looking in his direction and that never seemed to bother him either. The truth must be spoken and nothing less.

When she heard her spoke, he knew she never loved is counsel.

"I will think over what you have said Pastor and—" her words shrink within her throat but managed to pull it through. "And perhaps see you later."

Pastor Mandolin knew she will never come back. He closed the door gently behind her and walked back to his seat. As he sat down, he saw the door open suddenly.

"Pastor, I m sorry you still got one more counselee, he is here with his wife. I suppose and they want to meet with you." She shrugged. "I thought the lady that just left was the last. Yes, so I thought. I never thought they were waiting to see you too. I am sorry about that Pastor." Ruth apologized with a thoughtful face.

"Is okay Ruth, please send them in—give me two minutes."

She has been a good secretary but has only one fault. She is often carried away by phone conversations.

As she pulled the door opened, Pastor Mandolin voice stopped her.

"Yes, Pastor." She replied.

Pastor Mandolin stared at her and smiled. "You are a beautiful lady but the way you are dressed isn't right. What's on your mind?"

Her eyes dropped from Pastor Mandolin to take a look at herself.

She noticed she wasn't well dressed for the buttons' of her dress at her breasts region was unbutton and that got a major part of her breast exposed.

Her skirt was above her kneel and held tightly to her body, revealing the curves of her buttocks.

She lifted her eyes seconds later. But he had never complained about her dressing before and why now?

She thought as she waited for him to react further. When she noticed, he didn't say a word, she stammered. "I—I—am—s—sorry, Pastor. I thought you will like it."

"Not anymore Ruth—not anymore. Please do put on something modest to the office next time, okay—call in the brethren waiting for me, I don't want to keep them waiting."

"Alright Pastor, I will do just that, now." Ruth stared at him as she pondered what has come upon her Pastor.

She hurried out of his office. She now felt Pastor Mandolin has changed confirming what people have been saying.

Her thought shut up when her eyes fell on the brethren waiting. "Please you can go in now. Pastor wants to see you both." She said as she took her seat with eyes boring into the monitor before her.

She loves computers and that was why she applied for a secretary's job, but this morning she felt different perhaps the words of Pastor Mandolin was still burning up within her.

Pastor Mandolin listened with rapt attention to the brother who introduced himself as brother Licolas.

His eyes shifted to his wife and then back to him. "I have heard you Licolas. I'm afraid you lack true knowledge of the word of God—listen, God's word say one man to a wife and never two. The Old Testament doesn't work here. It was then but Jesus said Moses allowed that because of the hardness of the people's heart at that time and that God created Adam and Eve from the start and it must be so now." He gazed at him. "I advise you, don't take another wife. The woman sitting next to you is enough for you and anything outside that is adultery."

Licolas's wife nodded and smiled. Licolas stood up angrily and demand his wife to excuse them.

"Why?" Pastor Mandolin asked.

"We need to talk alone. Let her excuse us meanwhile." Licolas muttered.

Pastor Mandolin gave her a stare that she understood. She walked out and as soon as the door closed behind her, Licolas started. "Pastor, what is the meaning of this? I brought her here to be convinced and you are counselling nonsense. I need another wife for reasons best known to me. I know who you are Pastor Mandolin, be who you are and not what you are not—"

"I am a new man now, Licolas. You call my being a changed man, nonsense? What I told you is the sense, the truth. You can't have another wife when your wife is still alive!"

Licolas glared at him. "I thought you will help me on this Pastor—"

"I am sorry Licolas please excuse me. God's word is God's word. It can never change or be broken and can only be by those who choose hell for their eternal rest. Good day, Licolas."

"But she is not good in bed and can't cook to my taste! That's why I need another wife—"

"Hold it Licolas, those excuses are flimsy. She is not good in bed? Then teach her. She can't cook to your taste then teach her what to do or better still, encourage her to take some cooking lessons. And I know all that will change with time and your wife will make you happy."

Licolas stood up quietly and suddenly hurried out of the office slamming the door hard behind him.

Pastor Mandolin knew he wasn't happy with his counselling but things have to go the right way now he thought still staring at the door Licolas walked out seconds ago.

Men love darkness rather than light and as long as he stood for light, he knew they will never love him. He shuddered as he started for home.

"Sonita had failed Demora—the demons who took her form couldn't—couldn't destroy Pastor Mandolin. And the ring was dissolved by the mystery oil." Idris Sanligan voice echoed into the night as his eyes walked around the thirteen council members.

They have dropped their bodies and chosen to hold their meetings in the coven of Automiles in their spirit form. The night was extremely cold but their eyes were opened. Opened to plan and execute the deadly evil that breeds in their hearts.

"Mystery oil—the ring, how come?" Dayan asked with a loud voice. He wasn't so sure why he asked the question, he knew the ring cannot—

"I cannot believe it too but when Demora told me through the mirror of shades I knew he wasn't joking at all. Pastor Mandolin now uses powers unknown to us—we must act fast and stop him or the people in bondage will all be set free." Idris said with a loud voice with eyes that refused to blink shining through the darkest night.

"What do we do?" Other council member cried out, their voice trembling.

"Let's send assassins after him." Ruffus Affoga suggested but not too confident his idea will be accepted. "Wizard assassin, I mean. What do you think?"