Idris Sanligan stared at him and then at Dayan Huntre. His eyes were more on the duo because they seemed to be more aggressive. "The wizards of the creek can't do the work—Sonita couldn't, certainly not the wizards of the creek." Idris Sanligan voice was picking up the volume now. "Let me think for a while."

The coven was calm for a while, silence rolled in as they sat staring at the fire at their centre snaking up smoke into the cloud.

Sonita couldn't, what else?

The ring melted away by the mystery oil and can never be recovered but—

Idris thought dropped when he saw a vulture from a distance approached.

"There!" His finger pointed strongly to the vulture. "Demora has sent the Queen of lust to us."

They all turned their heads in the direction and sooner they watched the vulture descending in their midst. And suddenly before their eyes, it changed into a pretty woman only having her bra and pant on.

"Demora sent me and said I should give you the half pieces of the mirror of shades and the swords of the hills and that will be useful in the realm of destruction." She walked closer to Idris Sanligan and handed it to him and then back out gradually—making an unusual sound, she disappeared into thin air.

Idris Sanligan laughed loudly, "At last—solution at last. Pastor Mandolin is a dead man. His powers can't be above ours." He watched the council members smiling and nodding their heads.

He stood up and walked around the fire seven times and chanted some incantation. He held out the mirror and started calling out the spirit of Pastor Mandolin to appear in the mirror of shades. So he could use the sword of the hills to stab him to death.

And immediately Mandolin's spirit appeared and as he was about to pierce, he saw another person in an amazing white rope with a shining appearance.

The mirror suddenly broke in pieces, the fire in their midst quenched mysteriously—never had that happened before.

They all stood up in shock and suddenly a bright light shone and an excellent voice followed. It came like a voice of a multitude, it filled their ears.

"Why do the heathen rage and the people imagine a vain thing? The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the LORD and his anointed, saying let us break their bands asunder and cast away their cords from us. He that seated in the heavens shall laugh; the LORD shall have them in derision. Then shall he speak unto them in his wrath, and vex them in his sore displeasure."

They all fell as the mighty voice swallowed them up—immediately there was an earthquake. Another word came forth that shook the foundation they stood.

"Touch not my anointed and do my prophet no harm."

Immediately that word came, they scattered. Their plans were aborted, the coven scattered, the evil men flew and the LORD proved himself strong on behalf of his elect—Pastor Mandolin.

All eyes were on him, they were all eager to hear what he wanted to tell them. He stood behind the pulpit with his eyes on the congregation. He wanted to tell them how it all began. How the church was founded. He had told them he had a confession to make and they were all ready to listen to him. He was surprised none of his council members was around.

Where have they all gone to?

Did they know he was going to expose the devil and all his evil works?

A few minutes later, he began. "I am a repentant man now and I have chosen to be called Pastor Peter instead. I know it will be hard for you to understand me. I am sure when I am done, you will." He adjusted his standing position and continued. "My previous name was given to me by my stepmother who was ignorant of how names can affect a child's destiny. Mandolin is a name that is evil, which means servant of evil. I tried everything possible to be successful in life but nothing seems to be working until I decided to get wealth from the church. I took to the ministry and decided to go for power that I know can help me grow my church. I was empowered by a terrible force called Demoranion and I've been led astray."

He wasn't looking up this time. His eyes were fixed on the bible on the pulpit. He felt all eyes on him and ears eager to hear it all, and suddenly he broke the silence that had engulfed the church hall for close to 5 minutes,

"Please don't be surprised to hear this. I have been an instrument of the devil ever since and I never knew it. I consulted the powers to establish the church as most Pastors would do, perhaps some.

"In my case, I was anxious to see miracles of all sorts in my church, diverse healing, wonders and newspapers making amazing headlines about my miracle crusades. I hunger for power. And the power I found came with a lot of prices like making sacrifices and all these I did. And the altar I stand has the blood of the dead."

People started shouting and cursing. "How could you? Pastor—

Noise filled the air for minutes and you could barely hear what they were saying. The congregation was indeed large, numbering over 26,000 and their voices and uproars shook the floor.

Why the sudden noise?

Are they mad at me because I tell them the truth? Or—

But he was determined to go on. He lifted his hands in boldness and silence returned gradually. "Not all Pastors involved in this will have the confidence to do this, is not because I am bold or something. It is because I love you and care about your souls. I can't afford to see you go to hell—never."