
Chapter forty One

"I can,t believe time went so fast by."

"Yes I agree I mean its 5am already."Kelvin stands up and pulls up his Jean.

"Where are you going Kel?"

"Upstairs, incase those soldiers comes back."

Sammy staires at him getting dressed, she has never felt this connected to someone before."

"Are you going to be long?"Sammy sits up fastening her bra.

"No not to long hope." Sammy stands up and lays besides Jess closing her eyes.

Kelvin heads upstairs and covers the basement door. Laying on the couch he closes his eyes seeing imagining his by the beach and the tides are high and his serving.

With this beautiful girl Sammy by his side.

"You need to wakeup." says a voice to him.

"I am so tired just please leave me to rest."

"Kelvin, they are coming."

He sits up looks around the dark shadow on the wall is no longer there.

Suddenly there is a loud banging sound on his door as he looks over to thr clock 05h23am

His been asleep for barely twenty minutes.

"Who is the he screams?"