
Chapter forty two

"How dare you?"

Jessica and Kelvin are standing confused.

"What are you talking about, Sammy?"

"Kelvin, you brought you, mother, back, and you said you will bring both our mothers back; you have betrayed me."

Jessica looks at her, surprised at her outburst.

"Who mentioned we are not going to bring your mother back, Sammy?"

"Jessica, I have seen you only buried up to your mom."

"Yes, we did, and we intend to put the note by your mom's grave when she wakes up, Sammy."

Sammy feels embarrassed that she assumed they did not intend to wake up her mother.

"I thought the two bodies need to be together?"

"What bodies, Sammy? There are only bones left."

Sammy looks down, "I am sorry."

Jessica walks out, "this is what I was saying, Kelvin."

"Kelvin, alot has happened, and I am sorry for overreacting."

"We will wake up, you mother, and go our separate ways."

"But you said we, a team we will stick together?"

"This won't work. I am sorry."

"But Kelvin?"