
"The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear. And the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown."

~H. P. Lovecraft


- Chapter Two -

Fyn entered the meeting room after changing his clothes, and everybody who were busy discussing kept quiet, the god of Cold has arrived.

He ordered the meeting to start.

"Begin" he said.

At the time, Stella arrived home and was very happy, she ran towards our parents who are the living room and hug them.

"father, mother I'm back, it's it's so good to see you guys after many years, I feel like I've been away forever"

"And I'm glad you know that you've been away almost forever" her father, Mr Lockwood said as both Stella and her mother, Mrs Lockwood laughed.

"where is Leo" Stella asked of her older brother.

"He must be with his friends partying, because you rarely comes home." Mrs Lockwood said.

"Stella i noticed your expression changed, is any thing the matter" her father asked.

"Oh it's nothing, I just remembered an asshole I ran into at the airport. he was really arrogant."

"Ok, anyways I found a job for you, I remembered you told me you will look for one when you return, so I just made things easier for you." her father said.

"The interview is two days from now, so prepare yourself l."

"Thank you dad, you are the best, muahhh" she kissed her dad on his cheeks.

"Be careful before someone gets jealous" Mr Lockwood said as they all laughed.

* * * * * * * * * *

At the same time, at FYN Corporation building, the 45th floor , office of the CEO sat Fyn Sly who looks expressionless and cold couple with his bewitching face that makes both men and women's heart throbbing.

"Luke, when is the interview for the secretary position?" he asked

"It's two days from now Sir" secretary luke said.

"Ok, arrange these documents and by the time a secretary is chosen you will be getting a week off"

assistant luke was surprised, this CEO never gives people a day off unless in an emergency state.

"thank...., thank you Sir" he was too stunned to speak.

"Ok you can go now"

"yes sir" assistant Luke said as he walked out.