Two days later

"Sometimes being a friend means mastering the art of timing. There is a time for silence. A time to let go and allow people to hurl themselves into their own destiny. And a time to prepare to pick up the pieces when it's all over."

~Octavia E. Butler


- Chapter three -

Two days later, Stella got ready for the interview and drove her car to FYN Corporation company. as she entered she was stopped by the security.

"How can I help you miss" the security asked.

"My name is Stella Lockwood, I'm here for an interview" she said as she looks at the security.

"ok, wait a second" the security said as he called assistant Luke.

"Hello, a lady named Stella Lockwood is here for an interview"

"ok tell her to wait I'm coming" assistant Luke said as he went downstairs.

"Miss please sit, assistant Luke is coming"

After few minutes assistant Luke stepped out of elevator and walked straight to her.

"Hi miss Lockwood, I'm the CEO's assistant, please follow me."

"ok" she said as she followed him.

They entered the elevator which took them to the 45th floor.

Fyn Sly sat on his chair as he read the document on his table. He heard a knock.

"come in" he said

Assistant Luke entered. "Sir, miss Lockwood is here"

"Send her in" his voice calm and attractive.

Stella who stood outside the office saw assistant Luke coming out and ushered her in.

"Good day S.....…." before she could greet he raised his head. she was so shocked that she didn't move for a few seconds. "Mr asshole what are you doing here?" she asked angrily.

Fyn Sly just looked at her. 'she still have the guts to called me that, ok no problem' he thought.

"point of correction, it's Mr Sly and as you can see if you are not blind, I'm the CEO."

She laughed, pulled the chair and sat down arrogantly. "Mr Sly or whatever you call yourself I don't care, actually I know the CEO and his name is Mr Fyn, he is my fiancee, so you better get going before he sees you on his chair. And let me tell you, he is not someone to play with."