5 - Talk with Damon and Vermin

{ A.N : Long chapter! 1750~ words!

As I promised! A longer chapter!}



As Vermin began looking through his body , her eyes full of worry , a guy who was a few meters away from Adel was clinching his teeth in anger , which didn't go unnoticed from Adel, as he was unconsciously noticing everything around him due to his advanced senses.

'Isn't this too cliche? So he's the one who paid that man to kill me due to his jealousy of me being close to her. The 7 emotions surely do wonders on mortals.

Also it's a little weird now that I think about it , why would she be so close to someone so trashy like me? I know this guy had no talent so what's the reason?' As Adel was frowning due to his suspicions, he looked through his memories only to see one of which he was around 5 years old, where both were playing in the forest when suddenly a beast attacked , but then Adel moved in to save her as he killed the beast.

'*Sigh*, can't this get more cliche? She fell in love with him that time and swore to always protect him like he had protected her back then right? *Sigh*, what a love-struck fool.' He shook his head as he sighed again .

'But surely though , this boy is 16 years old and doesn't know anything about the opposite sex? And he's been her friend since 5 years old , and they haven't interacted that much even after all the affection she's shown him , so how does this make sense?

Sometimes it's better not to think too much , as his memories weren't modified so there's no way someone intentionally made it like this.' As soon as this thought passed his mind though, a bit of spiritual sense that he regenerated unconsciously used it minds arts in himself , which brought another memory passed right through his eyes , at which was a young girl who seemed 3 years old , accompanied with an old woman who seemed to be in her sixties .

"Are you sure that his memories aren't gonna change the slightest? And suppressed of our meeting until he reached the $#&!@ realm?

I really wanna play with him more but I can't due to his parents' situation. But at least I got to be his future fiance. " Sighed the girl but then giggled at the end.

When the old woman saw her , she shook her head and said with a smile:" Don't worry , it'll only make it so that he doesn't get any interest in mortals , or women even if he surpasses the mortal realm, his personality will only change due to him being dense so he wouldn't care much about other sex' interaction."

As soon as she finished her words , the memory ended.

Adel who looked at everything was speechless by her behaviour , and when he thought it couldn't get any more cliche , he ended up with this.

But then he suddenly remember something: 'Due to my mind reading arts , I was able to see that memory.... That means that mind reading arts do still have place for progress!' Thought Adel excitedly, but what he didn't know was that his mind reading arts reached a terrifying level only below the old woman , and only due to that was he able to read the man's memories.



A loud shout then suddenly broke him out of his thoughts.

"Adel! What happened? Why aren't you answering me? And how's your body?"nVermin shook Adel's body around as she looked over his injuries.

"Sorry... I was lost on my own thoughts... As for what happened that man over there..."He then signaled to the dead body that he penetrated with the knife" He tried to kill me... But what I don't know what happened as I was blinded by a light and then the knife penetrated his chest..."Said Adel slowly with a bit of mind reading arts to make the explanation sound reasonable to Vermin , as his body was still being shaken by Vermin.

"What?! Who wanted to kill you ? I'll kill him straight away whoever that bastard is!" Said Vermin loudly for everyone near her to hear , even the guy who was hiding behind the wall heard her.

"That... What I actually saw before...was the man first got some money and the knife from that guy..." As he motioned towards the guy that was hidden behind the wall, he continued "And then... he came and... nearly pierced my neck.."As he said that , Vermin turned around with violent killing intent , but that only looked as child's play in comparison to Adel's.

Then she looked towards the guy who was hidden behind the wall and then , in a flash appeared before him, and said loudly for both him and Aled to hear.

"You... It's you! Damon! Why did you try to kill him? "Vermin was shocked as she saw the man before her , it was none other than a young master who courted her ever since she was with Adel, but she couldn't care less about him, as she only placed her eyes on Adel , who in Damon's eyes was nothing but trash due to his talents on cultivation.

"I mean duh! I tried to kill him because you never paid attention to me! Only him! Why is that! Why only that trash!" Said Damon loudly as he gritted his teeth when he was reminded about the difference between her treatment to him and to Adel.

"You...Shut up! Why do I have to care about you? You... *Sigh* "Vermin then shook her head and and then murmured something that was impossible for Damon to hear , but only possible to Adel with his advanced senses "I wish he could notice my feelings , though this backward country is trash. I wish he could just leave with me to another country , his talents are anything but bad , but he isn't noticed by anyone here . Well , I either kill or ignore this Damon guy , but that would have to make me do some other choices... "

Aled was speechless at her words as he finally knew how much love-struck she was..

But then he was shocked to the core when he heard her last words , about how she knew about his talents..

'How? Is she suppressing her powers even further than that? But that's impossible unless ....' his body trembled slightly when he thought of her being at a higher realm than him.

'But then she knows about the country being backward , so she must be from. a starred country , though which star is what is the question...' He then shook his head as he was getting other useless questions.

'No , it's impossible , she is only hiding her strength at this level and not at the mortal realm level , because if not I wouldn't he able to use spiritual sense without her knowing it.

Forget it , she's thinking of killing him for me? But that would bring more trouble, also if I quit the clan then go to another country to get enough resources to start cultivating, then I might as well follow her?' He suddenly though of something and then waved at Vermin to come to him.

"What's up? Is it getting worse? Should I bring you back ?" Asked Vermin as she looked around his body only to find a scratch on his neck, then she was confused as to why he waved his hand at her.

"Not that ... Actually now that he killed me and even those nearby people heard us , I might not be able to return to my clan since my clan can't afford to offend his family over a measly servant like me, so can do you have any idea over somewhere else safe? I remember you only coming here 4 months per year, so you might have a better place then my clan , or if you don't want to then it's fine , I can..." As he was about to continue further , Vermin stopped him as she was delighted that he finally thought of going away with her.

"Yeah , sure come with me , and I'll be able to introduce you to my family , and they can support you enough to cultivate! " She replied in an excited manner , but when she realized her mistake she coughed awkwardly.

"Sorry , it's just you always told me you never wanted to cultivate since you don't have talent, and I was delighted to think you changed your mind over it...

Anyway since you aren't that much injured let's hurry up and get your everything and get where I am going! That place is really fun and you'll know it once we arrive ." She awkwardly said as she was trying to avert the topic.

"Okay, fine. But then I don't wanna stay in your family compound ... You know they might not like me , due to my talents... " said Alen in an awkward manner, as If hinting to his trash talents.

Vermin on the other hand sighed in relief when she saw him not pressing on the topic , but then frowned when she heard his other words, but then she said in an excited manner " No! Don't worry about it , in my family compound , they don't mind talent , as they only say (Effort wins over Talent)"

Damon who was standing there , frowned when he saw that he was ignored, but when he heard her last words he burst out laughing "Effort wins over talent my ass! If that was true wouldn't there many experts everywhere if they work hard without talent? That's just nonesense! He's just trash and he'll stay trash his whole life!"

When Vermin heard his words , she frowned and turned to him and gazed at him with murderous intent , and said "You know you should be grateful enough that I didn't kill you when you attempted to kill Adel , but then you're mocking my family's words! "

As she was about to go over and do some non-fixable damage to him, Adel grabbed her shoulder and shook his head and said " We don't want others pursuing us everywhere , so just don't mind him , no one cares about his words anyway .

Also , don't worry about it , he'll have the fun of his life in the future."

What Vermin and Damon didn't know was that he truly didn't want to proceed with the cliche plot and make a challenge with him , or her killing him and his family pursuing them in return.

So he sent a little bit of his last spiritual sense in a poisonous manner to kill him slowly in a matter that doesn't bring suspicions to him..

Little did he know though , that the spiritual energy didn't work at all , instead it allowed Damon to uncover some secrets that even he didn't know..

{ fan-fic reference . }