6 - Leaving

{ A.N : 700~ words!

Sorry... Since last chapter was 1700 words, this one's obviously shorter! }



"Hey! Look that's Adel! That idiot who decided to court Vermin despite Damon always telling him that she's his!"

"Didn't Damon say that he's gonna get rid of him today? What happened?"

"Look at his neck! He's got a scratch! That obviously meant that he was assassinated but something happened! Could it be that he killed the assassin?"

"Impossible! He's barely at the Ki sensing realm whilst the assassin must be at least at is the Blood refining realm! Such a wide gap, even I wouldn't dare to imagine winning, let alone that good-for-nothing Adel!"

"Then how is he still alive? Let's go ask him!"

The disciples spoke to each other as they watched Adel walk through the clan with a scratch in his neck with a calm expression, looking as if the injury he got did nothing to him.

"Hey Adel you bastard! How did you survive that assassination from Damon!"

A group of disciples blocked his path, halting his steps.

The disciples' action quickly aroused the attention of those around them, and they became the center of attention.

"Why do you think I should answer you? And big sister Vermin! Can you make it so that they don't bother us anymore?" Asked Adel as he was unbothered by their question .

"Sure - Now either scram or I'll have to force myself to do some other drastic measures."nVermin looked back at them with a narrowed gaze filled with killing intent.

Her horrifying killing intent that seemed to be sharp enough to manifest , but was missing something , froze the disciples on the way and caused them to tremble uncontrollably, almost as if they were watching a hungry beast on the verge of pouncing towards him.

'Close to manifestation? But it's still nothing compared to mine after I get back my strength.

I shouldn't say that though , as I am not what I used to be , so I should rely on her for a while until I at least enter the Soul refining realm.' sighed Adel slightly when he compared to his , her killing intent wasn't even 10% of his own.

"Hmph. A bunch of fools." Vermin coldly snorted and continued walking.




Upon reaching his living quarters within the outer court, Adel and Vermin were greeted by another average man in front of the door to his room.

"You...Adel you're alive?"The young man had initially thought that he was looking at a ghost when he noticed Adel and Vermin walking towards his place from a distance. But now that he was standing in front of him, there was no way that he could be a ghost.

From the previous 'Adel's' memories Adel recognized this young man. He was his fellow servant, Ailbe.

"I am getting the stuff in there with Adel with me , don't bother us." Vermin walked into the house without giving him another word.




As soon as Vermin and Adel left the clan , they found a forest and stopped for a bit.

A while later , Vermin made an array so quickly , that made her look like she was running around , though that didn't shock Adel as he already thought of many other possibilities of her prowess.

'So she's good at arrays too huh... How about alchemy? Blacksmithing? I guess I can't know unless I go with her, that means that her family's strength isn't laughable ..' Sighed Adel as he shook his head of the useless thoughts .

As soon as they were in the array , the surrounding flashed and they teleported in a forest - faraway than their previous location.

As soon as they teleported, Adel didn't forget to play his role though , as he looked shocked when he looked at it.

"Senior sister Vermin.. Isn't that too expensive for us to actually use just to teleport here? "Said Adel as he still had a shocked expression with a bit of worry in his face , though he was inwardly thoughtful

' Even on Earth , they're pretty expensive to get , so her family must be either super rich , or she actually trusts on my talent for her to use the teleportation array without hesitation.'

"No , it's fine. Though it's expensive , don't worry about it because I always bring one with me when I go back to the family compound." She said with a smile on her face, as they continued walking.