The next day

All of my classes dragged on until lunch. I see a bunch of heads turn, I'm about to sit down when I here a voice say, "little kitten, come here!" I look over and see Austin waving his hand, "don't make me force you to come over" he says, all of his friends laughing, I didn't have anyone to sit with so might as well go over there. "You won't imagine how fun she is" Austin says as I sit down, "will we ever get a taste" says one of his friends, "miles don't be stupid, I'm not getting bored of her anytime soon." He says running his fingers through my hair, I couldn't help but blush, "here eat this" says another guy at the table "Aden, don't be such a creep." Says Austin sarcastically, Aden hands my a blow pop, I take it, unwrap it and start sucking on it, but I looked down so they weren't staring at me so much. Josh sits down next to me at the table and puts his hand on my back. I look at him with a nervous look on my face. Austin must've noticed because he grabs my chin and kisses me, but this time I let it happen, I close my eyes and taste his tong. I pull away and he smiles, "why don't you help me unpack my stuff into your room" he says grabbing my wrist, "sure" I say, not wanting to do any school work today, he leads me out up to my room, when we open the door, his stuff was already unpacked. He grabs a school uniform that was with out a doubt, was 2 sizes too small, "let's do some role play, teacher and student" I stare at him, is he serious, "oh, um ok" I say trying to pretend he was joking.