New Start

Chapter 52: New Start

"You guys get dressed properly, I'm going to pick you up at 7:30pm" Argon called Faux and told them to get ready, as soon as Viewbay released the statement and Kevin have finalized everything with the matter of Luna's departure from Viewbay.

Tonight, they will sign with Starlight Entertainment, before anything else happens.

While they were in the car, Timmy called Kevin that a certain somebody from Great Records have went to their office looking for him, then he received a call from Sir Francis that Kevin have to pay for what he have gotten from them.

Argon saw the devastation in his brother's eyes but no one can deny that it was a due to pay.

"What's your plan?" he asked his brother after dropping him off in his apartment

"I'll just talk to them tomorrow to keep everyone's current job and this" Kevin then handed him the signed affidavit that he have given earlier then he torn it in front of Argon "They will use this to revoke my decision with Luna's departure"

After what Mia have told him last night, he have started to remove everything that Luna have accomplished in the past 7 years in their company, he knows that Great Records have been way too quiet with his withdrawal with them.

It's just he didn't expect that this will happen sooner that he have expected.

"Tell Patrick that he have to beware of Great Records, they are the one who made a deal with me regarding Constellation and ever since Mia went back to the industry and publicly started to work again they have been targeting to take Constellation down again."

The only thing that Argon can do is listen to what his brother is telling him, he was aware that Kevin made a wrong investment that put Viewbay on red, they are already talking with the decision of

taking Constellations royalties to keep them afloat. It was just that Kevin took another path and

decided to take a stranger's hand to help him.

"I have already made Timmy take out everything out of the records with regards with Luna's projects and their individual record" then Kevin hugged his brother "I'm sorry for hurting and betraying everyone, this is all my fault"

Argon just hugged his brother back "Everything will be alright brother, everything will be alright" Kevin then broke out from the hug and handed Argon a white envelope "this is the last thing that I can do to protect them" then he went inside his apartment.

Tomorrow will be the day that he will lose everything. He will be back to square one.

After his older brother left him, he opened the envelope containing an affidavit with the company's seal and a power of attorney indicating that Viewbay have severed its relations with Luna and settled their assets, Argon can only look at the path that Kevin had took, he was happy that he was back to his senses but on the other hand he is devastated that his brother wasn't even given a chance.

He called Patrick to meet, with the news at hand he now only have until tomorrow morning to settle everything with Starlight.

"Patrick, I think we need to see each other again, I'll be in your office in 15 minutes"

"Alright, We are currently putting together the contract for Luna" then Argon ended the call and drove off to Starlight Entertainment.


After receiving the news that Great Records have acquired Viewbay, Ysa went back to the office to talk to their legal team regarding the contract that was sent over by Starlight.

"We need to review this fast and sign the contract today" then she handed over the printed copy of the contract to the lawyers in her office.

She then personally called Mia and informs her of the decision that she will be taking, risking the opportunity that Great Records might use Viewbay's influence over the Constellation, they will be needing the a legal back up to prevent any of that be use against them.

"I am entrusting every decision making to you Ysa, I know that you will be doing what you think is right"

"I will be needing you tonight at 7:30pm, by then we will be signing with Starlight" Mia then looked at her watch, it is already 3pm, they still have plenty of time to finish everything they needed to prepare. "I'll be there".

Mia needs to be there, it will their fresh start, and she just hopes that this time around that history won't repeat itself.

Right after talking to Mia, Ysa turned her attention to the lawyers who just finished reading the contract form Starlight.

"I see no downside in this contract, we already agreed with them being our only client but they are open in negotiation that Constellation can still continue its current operations" said by the head of

Constellation's legal team "this contract is a win-win situation on both sides"

Then Ysa just nodded at the results, "Thank you so much, we will be signing the contract as soon as Starlight green lights, I'll let you know"

"Congratulations Ms. Howard" then the lawyers left her office and Maurice entered.

"Is it good?" She can feel Maurice's anxiety towards the matter, she knows what happened 4 years ago and she knows that in the current state of Constellation they won't be able to stand if Great Records seriously worked on them to be out of their way.

"Yeah, they said it's a win-win situation for both companies" Ysa is finally smiling but relief won't come that easy, not until the contracts are signed.

"Let's hope for the better", then Ysa called Patrick Fraust, she just hope that they will be ready to sign with them tonight.


Patrick and Argon are together in his office when Ysa called him.

"We are good to go with the contract signing, it will be better if we can do it tonight" Ysa said on the other line of the phone.

Argon had already filled him with the details, the situation is quite difficult on their end thus the easy deal that they were both offering, and he was flattered that both Argon and Mia thought that he was worth trusting and taking the risk.

"Yes we are ready to sign the contract anytime now, Starlight Entertainment will be signing both Constellation and Luna tonight."

"Thank you! I'll be seeing you later tonight" he can hear happiness and relief in Ysa's voice, it was as if he lifted a big burden of their chest.

As soon as he ended the call with Ysa, Argon also thanked him for taking the risk with them.

On the business side, he got no reason why he should be declining this offer, it was he who will be gaining a lot from this deal, and he got no business with Great Records of what so ever, if they ever want to make a deal with him, they were too late.

"I did what I did not because we are best friend and I find your little sister amusing" a slip of the tongue caused Argon's eyebrow to raise, he shouldn't have said that, he cleared his throat before continuing, "trust me, signing with you is a pure business decision, having you work with me finally is just a plus"

Then Patrick called Bonna to prepare a subtle event for the contract signing tonight at 7:30pm. They won't be doing it anywhere else, it will be here at Starlight, hearing the situation, and Patrick won't be taking any risk of losing it on any way possible.

This will be the start of the glory days for Starlight Entertainment but more or so this will a new start for so many people who is beginning to be important to him.