6.2 Proposition

As a precaution during that first week of her stay Stanley had made sure to 'lewd proof' his electronics. This meant adding child blockers to the TV and programming the laptop he loaned her to block explicit materials. It was to protect himself but in hindsight he saw that his decision actually protected them both. Ezraphel may be an apex sex demon with comparatively dubious morals when it comes to sexuality and freedom of expression but all the same she was an otherwise oddly 'innocent' girl.

She was scared during Aliens, she cried at the end of The Notebook and she held him tightly the whole night after watching Titanic a few days back because she 'didn't want to let him go'.

'Wait…' his eyes trailed to the side where he saw his laptop resting on the coffee table.

And suddenly the stars were aligned as he remembered that in his haste to flee without her noticing his arousal (which she did btw) he forgot to close down his laptop where he had hooked it to the TV when streaming the movie.

Stanley palmed his face 'fuck you Murphy'

Still he had to wonder if this was a thing with her species because he was only gone for a few minutes. A few minutes alone with an unblocked laptop and she already found porn.

Imagine if she had a whole day.

Stanley paled, shuddered and swallowed at what that would mean for him if she suddenly got interested in some of the things she would see.

*The Violator Flashback*

'No! Evil thoughts Fuck Off!'

He couldn't do much about it now but this does raise some interesting prospects. How would Mamono react to earth's porn industry? There's no doubt that they would be all up in that. Hypothetically if they were to cross over then hands down the first industry they would effectively takeover would be that. Stanley wondered what that would be like for a moment but shelved the thought away.

So Ezraphel found porn, if he was shocked at how quickly she found it then he was even more shocked at her reaction.

"No, NO, NO!" the Lilim yelled at the TV in frustration "you're doing it all wrong! Use your mouth to make a seal around the head then swirl your tongue!"

Okay this is unexpected.

"Don't neglect his testicles-gah!" eventually she raised her hand in frustration and opened a can of soda and took a swig "tch, amateurs."

What the hell was happening right now?


In his gawking at her reaction he hadn't realized that he had walked close enough to stand at the edge of the sofa.


"Are you well?"

"Yeah I'm…" his eyes flickered to the screen briefly "so you found the uh, porn" he said oddly calm about the whole thing.

At the mention of this her brows furrowed "is that what this is called?"

"Yeah, you don't like it?"

"I find it lacking" she said with all the air and sophistication of a woman whose pallet was distinguished "her techniques are deplorable. None of them seem to take into consideration there partner's cues when attempting to give pleasure and now that I look at it, obviously there is no love between them. If I didn't know any better I'd say this wasn't even real."

Stanley opened his mouth, closed it and thought about what she said before chuckling "that's because it isn't."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean this is basically entertainment for the masses" he said ignoring the moans onscreen "They fuck but it's not real, it's just like any other show…except they don't censor the sex"

Ezraphel blinked then watched the scene with pursed lips "so it is as if they are both actors in a play?"


"…this is the worst show of acting I have ever seen from this world" really.

"Yeah well, people don't watch porn for the acting and it's not as if porn stars are trained actors anyway."

"I suppose that makes sense" her eyes went to Stanley.


"Why was this on your device and not mine?"


"Have you been watching this…travesty all along?"

Panic entered his expression, as well as it should. In his stammering he managed to get out "I-I…I mean I did- I was…"

Ezraphel gasped "Stanley you would release yourself to this?"

"O-Oh come on! I haven't done that since you got here!" he yelled out in panic.

"Hmph, as you should" she nodded "for I am clearly superior to this so-called porn star."

"Ugh, can you please shut that off?"


"Really hard to concentrate with that on right now Ez" he spoke through gritted teeth.

"So be it" she used her burgeoning technical skill to close the window.

"How the heck did you manage to find that anyway?"

"I was curious as to the things you would be interested in and I saw in your browser history that particular site is one where you frequently visited in the past."

She paused in surprise and slight worry as Stanley smacked himself in the face, hard.


Immediately she was by his side "why did you hit yourself?"

"Punishment for sheer stupidity"

"Excuse me?"

"Never mind" he waved her off "and for future reference I do not appreciate people going through my personal laptop. It's why I gave you your own" he said this while disconnecting his laptop from the TV and closing it.

"Understood" she answered but frowned in contemplation while watching him something he noticed.


"Do you…normally watch such things Stanley?"

Stanley did not panic this time, instead he took a deep breath "I did, not anymore though"


"Don't have much time for watching those since…you know" he made gestures at her body "embodiment of sex living in my house."

The Lilim smiled with a gleam entering her eyes. Her tone took on a teasing edge "oh Stanley, you flatterer~"

"Whatever" He rolled his eyes, trying to hide his emotions behind a veil of apathy.

Ezraphel saw through his rouse however and giggled before latching onto him before he could make his escape "wait~"

Pulling him onto the sofa Stanley found himself on top of her, his head between the valley of her cleavage, she smelled of lilac and milk for some reason. He knew from experience that struggling was futile so he simply rested his laptop on the floor to soak in the warmth and intimacy of her embrace with a red tinged face.

"Ez, what are you doing?"


"About what?"

"Why you haven't asked me to help relieve you?"

Red flag!

Jolting his body upwards he only succeeded in moving his head up to look the Lilim in her eyes. She had red dusting her cheeks, a smile on her face and the gleam in her eyes only intensified. He wasn't a wizard at reading facial expressions but the implications were very clear.

Stanley swallowed "oh, you noticed that?"

"Stanley" she began with a mock exasperation "I tasted it. Do you honestly believe I would not notice my own Husband was pent up? I find your lack of faith in my capabilities to be very disturbing."

…she has a point and at that moment Stanley realized his mistake. Because she has been so blatant about so many things he had perceived her as being a girl who isn't capable of subtlety, clearly he was mistaken.

"If you knew all that, why didn't you say anything?" She's been going on about him being her husband and occasionally spouting off about her role as his wife so he could not fathom why she wouldn't have at least offered to 'ease the tension' earlier.

She gave a cute tilt of her head "why Stanley, you had been so insistent on setting the pace of our relationship. As my earlier attempts were not fruitful I thought it would be best to let you decide when we should become more…intimate~"

Stanley glared at her with the intensity of a supernova yet Ezraphel maintained her coy smirk. Closing his eyes, Stanley fought the urge to verbally rip into her, it might have been those breathing exercises he looked up, it might have been the feel of her soft boobs pressed against his head but Stanley found he was able to remain calm.

"I see what you did there?" he grumbled finding the strength to leave her embrace.

She allowed him to "hm, what ever could you possibly mean Stanley?"

"This is you getting me back for how I treated you that first month isn't it?" he deadpanned.

"Perish the thought-"

"No, no" he interrupted now sitting by the sofa armrest "I was kind of a dick, I get that."

She quirked a brow.

After a bit of awkward silence Stanley looked to the side "so, all I have to do is say the word and you'd do anything I say?"

"That is correct~"

His eyes flickered to her "anything?"

Her eyes bore into his own with a sudden intensity "anything~"

He was now suddenly aware of her choice of attire, a tank top and short shorts, not that he hadn't notice before because who wouldn't but nowadays he learned not to look too closely where Ezraphel is concerned. Especially now when she is laid out on the sofa in what he'd affectionately calls her 'centrefold pose.' How she manages to do something like a Playboy modelling pose so naturally is lost on him, what he does know is that is it super effective.



"You were about to say…"

Oh right soliciting his girlfriend, one moment.

He coughed in his hand to regain his composure "Ezraphel"

This got her to sit up straight "yes~"

"I want you"

She leaned forward smile widening "hmm?"


"Hmmmmm~" the excitement was palpable now!

"Wash my car"

Cue the record scratching, glass shattering, face faulting effects as Ezraphel's carefully constructed façade gave way to incredulity.

"I-I beg your pardon?"

"Wash. My. Car" he repeated slowly, thoroughly enjoying her expressions "what, don't tell me you were expecting something else?" red eyes over black sclera narrowed at the mocking tone "I mean you did say you would do anything I want right?"

"…that is true" she said uncertainly before giving him a confused look "but why that?"

Stanley shrugged "you've managed to clean everywhere in the house except the car so I thought 'why the hell not' you know?"

She doesn't and she knew that he was only partially telling the truth.

"Great!" he said cheerily before standing "I'll bring the car in the backyard, you get the hose"

"Hose? Why?"

He paused "oh right, they don't have cars where you're from. Come to think of it why haven't you washed the car yet?"

At this Ezraphel came up short, looking a bit embarrassed as her tail waved languidly behind her. It wasn't as if the thought hadn't crossed her mind but…the reason is most ridiculous.

"I…just…never got around to it? Y-your 'car' seemed clean enough to my eyes Stanley"



"You know I'd be inclined to agree with you if you hadn't cleaned the carpet, wax the floor and sanitized the furniture…in a single day…all by yourself."

Ezraphel folded her arms, emphasizing her chest and looked away with a petulant pout "it is the truth!"

"Okay" he says that but this will definitely not be the last they will have of this conversation "you might want to look up on how to wash cars."

Ezraphel scoffed and flipped her hair "I have no need for aid Stanley. I am very capable of washing your car" the last bit came out in a small snarl.

Seriously what is her deal with that thing?

"If you say so, you're the Princess Maid."

Ezraphel puffed out her chest "of course!"