Stanley Berkowitz is your average vertically challenged nerd with an abrasive attitude living in recluse from the outside world when his life inexplicably changes when a dimensionally displaced Succubus princess that looks eerily familiar fell through a portal and landed in his back yard.
Advance chapters available on my Patreon at 'Streggaeworks'
Very good story. I really like this type of stories, which deal with the lives of the characters, with a limited number of them and that are charismatic where you can believe that they are real people and not just cardboard cutouts. The grammar is very good and it is an easy read, highly recommended to read it. Very good story. I really like this type of stories, which deal with the lives of the characters, with a limited number of them and that are charismatic where you can believe that they are real people and not just cardboard cutouts. The grammar is very good and it is an easy read, highly recommended to read it.
This story is god tier. Like why hasn't it gotten a anime with 20 seasons yet!? On the real note the story character development is nice natural and isn't rushed. I came in here expecting the usual but found gold instead. No regrets randomly adding this great story to my library and favorites list. I hope for 1000+ chapters
Very good novel. It's just getting started but I find it really fun and quite unpredictable. The characters feel real and not fake, I like not knowing what will happen unlike many novels that seem like a copy paste just changing the names XD.
When I read the synopsis of this novel, I thought it was similar to an anime I have watched in the past. Once I gave it a read (Currently at Chapter 91), I am honestly blown away. The plot and setting is "Pseudo cliché" meaning that it theme is what people wanna read, but with its own uniqueness. Uses earth as a template for world building so readers are able to have a better visual in imagination. But where this story shines is the characters. Many time', I have read novel, and the MC or complimentary cast don't have many bad traits, but have I weird way a talking, but I honestly believe that the Author has delivered so quality here. On top of that, how they converse is like how I would with my friends. Well done, Author, keep it up.
Pretty solid book realatively interesting and definitely worth while to read try it at the very least even if it isnt your normal type of book
I don’t know if this is my first review or not, but one thing for sure I practically never give reviews ever(both good and bad). So I don’t know how to make a review, and I don’t want to learn. But If there is one thing I want to say is that this story is gold, and prob my favorite one I read this year.
It is a novel is really funny and it shows many signs of creativity. I hope it continues to be as good in the future. It has the best first chapter I have read in a long time. Read it, you will know if you are going to like the novel only with the first chapter.
Well... I thought I left a review a year ago or so, i think a little more than a year. This is awesome the interaction between characters are well made, and personally I like the romance ;). The unique thing that I didn't like is the beta personality of the mc. Is more like a beta japanese mc than an American but if you ignore it it's good. Ps: Author i think it's time to make an actualization to the tags. Ps 2.0: if you want more public you can erase all the chapter and re upload all of them in 1 day
Reveal Spoiler
Are you tired of I the female lead am fixing this bad boy the 500th novel of this trope on Webnovel. Read this while Stan still has more development than Ez she has to confront her values and ideals to make their relationship work too. If you're looking for a more balanced romance try this book
it's a surprisingly very good romance story, really love it, only downside is the slow updates
I really love slice of life stories like this! its so wholesome !!🥺 And author-san did a great job writing! I just hope that he can upload 10 chapters a day😆😅😁
Great story I will be waiting for new chapter ................................. ............................................................
Author, I beg you, please, please, please update Daily Life With A Lilim. This has become my favorite novel, please update it. €€€€€€€€€€¢¢€€€€€€€€€€
Author, I beg you, please, please, please update Daily Life With A Lilim. This has become my favorite novel, please update it.✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓