13.1 Veg Sesh

The worst case scenario Stanley envisioned when he first laid on the bed has come to pass. Despite his greatest efforts Stanley was now more reluctant than ever to leave the bedroom. Because who would want to leave a room with the most comfortable bed ever, a big ass 4K TV and the sexiest woman alive servicing them with a smile on her face. He's pretty sure this was what the ancient kings felt like back in the day and he was also pretty sure it's going to fuck with his timetable in the long term unless he gets a handle on it.

He wasn't the only one enjoying the new accommodations either. Ezraphel has had an air of smug satisfaction and pride for a while now and Stanley can't even disparage her for it. What she's done with the redecoration was a monumental accomplishment indeed. It wasn't even that her changes managed to net her more frequent 'riding miles' on her favorite man but the fact that her first go at modern renovation went so well.

The bathroom and her personal room didn't count. She merely recreated what she was intimately familiar with from her home.

So needless to say Ezraphel and Stanley were thoroughly enjoying the comforts of their new room. When they weren't having sex or resting between having sex they were watching movies. Case in point the two were on their third or fourth cooldown from a brief (two hour) sex session however this time it was decided (by Stanley) that they would pad out the cool down time with a movie. Since it was his turn to choose he decided to have them watch the 1966 classic spaghetti western, The Good, the Bad and the Ugly.

It was a switch up from what they have been watching as of late due to a single factor, Ezraphel. Having spent several months sampling a wide range of earth media the Lilim was not only getting used to them but was now developing her own taste. So movies that would have awed her in the beginning were now less impressive to her and as it turned out certain genres were a swing and miss with her so to speak.

Case in point, Ezraphel did not enjoy Jaws. In fact she hated the movie, mostly because the main antagonist was a giant man-eating shark. Apparently on Eos Mersharks faced a lot of discrimination by humans as literal 'man-eaters' due to their ferocious appearance. Some of them play into the image playfully and even adopt personas around it but some of them end up like the shark in the very movie, hunted and killed.

It was a sobering and awkward moment for Stanley who remembered that despite what the MGE material would have you believe, Mamono in fact do not win every single encounter with humans and they can and do lose their lives sometimes. If he remembered correctly Poseidon switched sides to the Mamono Overlord and willingly chose to be corrupted into a Mamono herself after which she cast a spell on the seas that protect aquatic Mamono from harm but clearly that spell wasn't all encompassing.

In any case after that incident he made a note not to feature monster movies in their viewing especially if they correlate to any Mamono. Since most monster movies often see said monster portrayed negatively and end with them being killed that basically meant at least two whole movie genres were left out which was a shame but he understood. Who would want to watch a movie where their race is being portrayed as savage, bloodthirsty and murderous animals that get put down in the end?

That is why he went with a western and Stanley was ashamed to admit that he overlooked that genre entirely until he started thinking about different movie genres as a whole. Now the two were watching what is considered to be one of the greatest western movies ever made.

"Hey Blondie" Tuco shouted with his hands tied behind his back and a noose around his neck with the rope freshly shot off "you know what you are!? Just a dirty son of a -"

As his expletive was drowned out by the iconic instrumentals of the movie's main theme the ending shot of 'Blondie' riding off on his horse with his take of the gold was followed up with the ending title card. Stanley turned to the Lilim this time around he hadn't observed Ezraphel much during the movie because it has been a while since he saw The Good, The Bad and The Ugly and he was immediately taken by the film again.

There was nothing quite like forgetting about a really good movie only to rediscover its greatness. The credits rolled and Ezraphel blinked, having been engrossed in the movie just as much as he was, that was good.

She caught his gaze and returned it for which he asked "so, what do you think?"

It took a moment for the Lilim to answer and in that moment of silence Stanley became a little anxious. While this movie didn't feature any monsters in it there was another box it unfortunately ticked that Ezraphel may not like. Ezraphel came from a world where her people were forced to be at constant war with humans because of the machinations of a genocidal Goddess. While she's managed to stay out of it the war was always in the background and she hated it all the same.

So naturally Ezraphel wasn't a fan of violence, not in real life and not in her entertainment. Not all types though because marshmallow she may be but Ezraphel was no snowflake. Rather she did not like movies that are heavily focused on violence or feature violence for the sake of violence. That took a big chunk out of the horror genre and also most movies with graphic or stylized violence.

That unfortunately included most Tarantino films...damn.

His thoughts were interrupted by Ezraphel's verdict on the movie "I like it."

She spoke this with a smile on her face and it felt like an invisible weight was lifted off his shoulders.

'Oh thank God' he sighed.

He had to admit when Ezraphel told him she didn't like Jaws he…well he felt physically wounded by her words. It wasn't like with Alien where she was too scared to have a coherent opinion because they watched its sequel Aliens and she liked it. Apparently Ezraphel did not identify sci-fi monsters like the Xenomorph with Mamono because they were, well, alien to her. Movies like Jaws, The Exorcist and most movies in the zombie genre she just flat out did not like as they featured monsters or antagonists that correlated with certain Mamono.

She didn't like Nightmare On Elm Street because Freddy Krueger had the same dream infiltration powers as a Mamono called 'Nightmare.' The irony didn't just stem from the name but from the fact that they are a naturally docile and meek race of scythe wielding centaur subspecies that generally give men wet dreams and are easily scared off running away if their 'victims' even so much as stir during the process.

In any case with the movie done Stanley stretched himself and attempted to leave the bed, key word being 'attempted.' Instead he found himself being pulled back by a tail wrapping around his waist followed by Ezraphel hugging him close.

'Crap' he knew what was coming.

"Where are you going?" she cooed.

"To my office, you know, to do my business."

"What kind of business?" she pressed "will you be using your 'system'?"

Now he was starting to sweat a little. Stanley had unfortunately underestimated Ezraphel's perception. The Lilim did not quite understand what he did for work when in the office but that was irrelevant because he made the mistake, while under immense comfort, of revealing that he can actually get 'work' done without actually making a trip to his office so long as it did not involve him using his (gaming or PC) system.

So since it was in Ezraphel's best interest to keep him by her side where she had convenient easy access to his body she had taken to interrogating him at almost every turn whenever he tried to escape-er leave the bedroom. She also did her very best to get him back in said bedroom as quickly as possible when his business was complete. Stanley couldn't blame her for this because he himself didn't even bother putting up much resistance since he was a simp for his new bed and TV.

…and Ezraphel too he supposed.

As for Ezraphel, naturally the sex is incredible and she wanted to get as much as she can before the novelty eventually wore off and moderation was enforced once again.

'All you have to do is say yes' he reminded himself.

Just a single word and he will have a few hours to himself. The only problem with that was Ezraphel can tell when he's lying which wasn't exactly new information for him but add to the fact that his heart was still hesitant to leave. Also the Lilim can capitalize on his hesitance to persuade him to stay using a variety of sexual and surprisingly logical tactics.

So why bother fighting the inevitable?

So it was with a heavy heart and a silent curse towards his own weakness that he replied "no, I won't need to use the system."

He inadvertently took care of his work faster just so he could spend more time on the bed with Ezraphel. Something made possible due to his enhanced stamina and mental fortitude caused by him being an Incubus.

'God it's our honeymoon phase all over again.'

Which is why when his laptop materialized in front of him on a floating table he was not surprised in the slightest. Thankfully his stomach growled, not loudly but all the same Ezraphel managed to pick up the sound.


"Yeah" he answered while already browsing his laptop.

"Any requests?"



"Sandwich platter" he answered taking his eyes off the screen for a bit.

Ezraphel only lingered for a moment, before the sound of his stomach reached her ears again causing her to nod and teleport away. Now that he was alone Stanley's gaze went back to the screen where he was checking his messages. It was always important to check messages when you're running a platform with a multimillion subscription count. He had someone help him with managing his various social media accounts but they also tend to push the really important stuff to him on a fairly frequent basis through E-mails and Discord.

"Ah shit."

And just like that trouble has finally reached his paradise.