Personal appearance aside Stanley had to learn proper dining etiquette which doesn't just extend to learning how to eat with a knife and fork. Apparently it's disrespectful to leave your keys and phone on the table which Stanley wouldn't have done either way because why would he leave his stuff out for people to steal? Then he remembered the menu and figured that he might pull out his phone to look up some of this stuff.
"What the fuck is an escargot?"
*One Google search later*
Snail, escargot is snail.
"That is disgusting."
If this is the type of thing rich people can afford to eat and willingly eat he'd rather stick with Ezraphel's home cooking.
"What is?"
"Nope, just Ezraphel" she said cheekily before focusing on the screen.
Her clothed breasts draped the back of his head as she leaned forward though this did not deter him from asking "Ez, what did I tell you about entering my office while I'm working?"
"Not to do it."
"Well technically you are not 'working' at the moment."
"A man needs his privacy Ez!" he shouted.
"But I'm booored~" she whined, even making mini jumps like a spoiled child "also I thought you might need assistance and I was right."
"What do you mean?"
"Well…" she dragged out "I assumed since you have never been to an upscale eating establishment you might be interested to learn how to properly conduct yourself in such an environment."
Stanley gave her a blank stare "really, you?"
Ezraphel pouted "well I am a princess Stanley."
"…oh yeah."
"Why do you keep acting surprise every time I mention that?" she wailed.
His eyes narrowed "you know why."
She met his gaze for a moment before diverting it in glum acceptance. Even for a Mamono she hasn't exactly acted the part of royalty but in her defense Ezraphel has been thoroughly enjoying the freedom that comes with not being a recognized princess. You'd think with so many other princesses doing bigger things that you wouldn't be scrutinized much by the world but that isn't the case, all of the Lilim have to uphold a certain degree of gravitas.
It was the reason why she acted the way she did when she first met her Stanley.
Of course she couldn't say this, so instead she replied "well I know what an 'escargot' is."
This made Stanley raise an eyebrow "really?"
"Cooked edible snails" she answered smugly.
"Interesting choice of words" he said suspiciously.
"How do I know you hadn't been waiting behind me for a long time and just happened to see when I looked up escargot on Wikipedia? I mean, it's too coincidental that you happen to just appear like that to answer when I said that's disgusting"
She blinked the looked bashful "well I did wait a little to make my presence known."
"But I really do know these things Stanley and if I remember correctly they served escargot as a 'hors d'oeuvre' at parties hosted by the undead nobilities."
"You mean the Wights?"
"Among others, yes" she nodded "but if you are so unsure" with a snap of her finger she was seated daintily on a plush chair "then go ahead and ask."
"Challenge accepted" he muttered and went to the computer "what's Fois Gras?"
"Liver of a fattened goose or duck."
"Pouring fat or 'drippings' from the pan onto the food to develop the flavor."
"Shellfish soup."
"…crème fraîche?"
Her face scrunched up a bit in thought "I believe it is a sauce using sour cream."
"Holy shit you weren't kidding" he said.
"Right? And my knowledge does not only extend to the food. I am well versed in etiquette" she said crossing her legs like a true lady of class.
While wearing booty shorts and a crop top.
Stanley looked unimpressed "you do realize some of your uh, etiquette lessons might be outdated by Earth standards right?"
Ezraphel rolled her eyes "was it not you who said some things are multiversal?"
That phrase was vaguely familiar.
"Also you are not the only one who has been doing research" she said with gleam in her eye.
He was surprised but really he shouldn't be, he'd know when Ezraphel got into something she became committed whether it be cleaning, cooking or even creating a revolutionary new spell, all she needed was the right motivation.
"Okay, say I buy this. What 'sage advice' could you give me so that I may not look like a hick?"
"Don't make a fuss about the prices."
"…wow, you just went straight for the jugular there."
"I know you Stanley."
In any case he figured as much, he wouldn't want to be the only guy in the joint to make a complaint about prices and alert everyone to the fact that this was his first time in a fancy restaurant.
"Okay, what else?"
"It would be best if you made prior arrangements for payment of the meal beforehand."
"To avoid looking at the cheque at the end of the meal."
Stanley looked at her with mouth agape "I'm not that bad!"
Yes he is.
"Yes you are."
"…yes I am" he admitted with a groan and leaned back in his gamer chair.
"Oh, don't worry Stanley. I still love you, flaws and all"
"I don't count that as a flaw Ez" he muttered behind the veil of his palm.
She must not have heard him or more likely she ignored his words because she kept speaking "I know this particular venue goes against your budget constraints but~" Stanley peaked from behind his palms to find Ezraphel hovering over him "since you seem upset I could-"
"You're gonna ask for sex aren't you?" he deadpanned.
Ezraphel came up short, staring at him in mild shock "how did you…am I so predictable?" she questioned aloud in genuine wonder while looking to the side.
As Ezraphel contemplated this Stanley's gaze went to where he could see her tail wagging in anticipation seemingly of its own mind.
"…I could not tell you off the top of my head. Damn sex fiend" he grumbled with a roll of his eyes.
Red eyes snapped to his still covered face as the Lilim, feeling vaguely insulted said "I am not that bad!"
Still with his deadpan express he reached out both hands and grabbed her chest before giving a rough squeeze.
Immediately Ezraphel's expression melted into lust as she gave out a lewd scream straight out of a hentai "iyahn~"
"Yes you are."
"Yes I am~" she moaned in reply.
Stanley expertly kneaded Ezraphel's chest through her top, flipping her switch immediately. Ezraphel's expression turned aheago and she kept releasing lusty moans. If that seemed too easy keep in mind Stanley has the instincts of an incubus, he has had a lot of practice over the past two weeks and Ezraphel wasn't the only one taking mental notes during their sexcapades. The only difference between them was that he knew the importance of restraint but if he really wanted to he could make her pass out from pleasure too. It wouldn't be as quick or as easy as she did to him but he knew it can be done because he had done it before.
"You know what, I got some frustrations to work out anyway" he spoke before pulling her into the chair for a make-out session.
A moment later he felt a slight draft realizing that Ezraphel had stripped them both naked "hey!" he pushed them from the chair "you know how I feel about doing it in the office, Ez"
The last time they did it there let's just say the aftermath was not conducive to a sanitary work environment.
Ezraphel responded with a smirk and tackled him through a portal that suddenly opened letting the two land on the bed in his room "I hate it when you do that" he muttered before she landed on top of him, full weight and all "I really hate it when you do that."
Ezraphel giggled unrepentantly and went to continue only to have her boobs grabbed again, except this time instead of a massage he used them as hand holders to ease her up.
"Hold on, I'm leading this time."
A literal gleam entered the Lilim's eyes "oh, unexpected" she supported herself over him on hands and knees "and how will you have me?"
"Well, first I want to see this phat ass-"
"-to jiggle when I fuck it."
If Ezraphel smiled any wider her face would break but a moment later her expression subdued into one of lustful anticipation "as you wish~" backing away the Lilim slowly made her way to the window.
Said window had the blinds drawn apart to let in the sun, fortunately among the myriad of spells Ezraphel had erected in the house for various reasons, one especially specific to this room allowed for a one way glass. No one could see inside but they most certainly can see outside and that was the point.
Ezraphel was a bit of an exhibitionist.
Speaking of the vivacious Lilim bent at a 90 degree angle, deliberately pressing her breasts on the glass to present Stanley her ass, which in itself could have been the foundation for a religion. Her tail snaked down her cleft to spread her cheeks revealing her already juicy fruit.
"Come and get it, Stanley~"
That he did but did not rush, instead taking his time. Part of it was because he liked to see her squirm but mostly he used the opportunity to stretch. One should always stretch before doing vigorous activities.
Once he was inches from dat ass he sighed "you're making a mess of the floor Ez"
She always does.
"I'm sorry~"
He wasn't one to talk, his balls felt like dead weight and pre was dripping from the tip but she didn't need to know that.
"That's alright" he reached down and fingered her "free lube."
"Stanley~ don't tease me~"
Ignoring her whining but appreciating the way how she wiggled her ass he thoroughly lubed his tool before getting into position. This was the moment both of them were waiting for, Ezraphel was literally trembling with excitement and her breaths grew ragged with anticipation. Stanley felt so pent up and Ezraphel's juices only exacerbated his situation. There was no longer a choice now, he needed to fuck Ezraphel.
Gripping her ass cheeks tight he pressed his head against her.
"Ah, Stanley that's my-"
"I told you I wanted to see that ass jiggle when I-hmph, fuck it."
He was about to spend a lot of money, probably more than he'd ever spend at a single place in public but if it's for her, for this then it will be worth it.
"Oh Yes!"
It will always be worth it.