20.3 Reassurance

The second to last day of their weekend much like the day prior started off with a thunderstorm. As always Liam woke up first and to avoid disturbing his partner he opted to do his morning calisthenics elsewhere. To that end he ventured to the living room where he found a surprising sight.


"Sup" the other man grumbled from his place lounging on the couch with his feet up on the coffee table and his laptop on his thighs.

"Good morning" to say that he was surprised to see him would be an understatement "you're up early."

"Didn't sleep" he clarified.

That gave the man pause "were you down here the entire night?"


As someone who pulled his fair share of all-nighters and seen what the effects of them look like in others he knew what to look for and Stan looked remarkably good. His observations did not go unnoticed by the other man.

"Something on your mind? You keep staring" Stan spoke without taking his eyes off of the screen.

"Just thinking why you spent the night down here is all."

"This is punishment."


Liam raised an eyebrow "what did you do to piss Ezraphel off?"

Stan rolled his eyes "this is my punishment for her."


"She did something incredibly stupid so I'm punishing her for it."

"You're punishing her by sleeping on the couch?" he reiterates for clarification.

"I'm punishing her by not being in close contact or showing her affection."


At his dubious look Stan shook his head "it's a Mamono thing you wouldn't understand…but I guess you should since you're going to be in the same boat as me pretty soon" another pause before her rubbed his eyes "god this is so fucked."

Liam had something to say about the phrasing of how he described his punishment but thought better of it instead he went on topic.

"I actually wanted to talk to you about that."

"Well it's as good a time as any."

He did a few clicks on his laptop before closing it down and after fixing his posture turned on the TV for some background noise. Liam took a seat near him on the adjacent three seater sofa.

"So what do you want to know first?"

"What exactly am I in for with this?"

Stan blew out through his mouth as he stretched "where do I even begin?"

"You said we'd need to clear a week out of our schedule."

"Yeah, I don't recommend going through this if you have something important to do that week."

Liam scratched his chin "that's not necessarily a problem though I still have to record the podcast."

"Cancel it" Stan interrupted.


"Or let the others do it without you" he continued.


"I can almost guarantee you won't be making an appearance on that podcast if Amelia's is turned before you record it."

"Again I ask why? I can't take like two hours out of the day?"

"Nope because you'll be preoccupied with feeding Amelia."

Liam blinked "explain."

"Okay so my knowledge of how recently turned humans react after becoming mamono is a little choppy but I'm erring on the side of caution. Truth is you might not actually need the week but it's better to be safe than sorry and you can use the extra days to help Amelia get her shit together."

"Wait a minute I thought that was what the week was for."


"Getting our shit together" he stated "giving Amelia time to adapt to the changes, getting her a disguise."

He cut himself off as Stan abruptly started chuckling "oh you thought that's what the week was for? Oh no Liam" he breathed "the week is the amount of time you need to set aside to satisfy Amelia after she turns."


"Dude Mamono are nymphomaniacs who literally feed on semen and I know for a fact that recently monsterized ones are particularly horny and hungry after their transformation."

Liam's jaw worked in silence for a moment as he let that sink in before ultimately asking "yeah but seriously, a week?"

"Hey that's how long it took me to satisfy Ezraphel the first time we had proper sex. Shit we still go at it for a few days every now and then."

"…I don't believe you."

"Liam look me in the eyes, do I seem like I'm bullshitting you right now?"

Liam did and the realization had him recoiling "oh my God."

'What did I get myself into?'

"Dude relax."

"Easy for you to say" he mumbled "no offense man but I can't afford to lose whole days fucking my fiancée."

"Yeah, yeah because you have a social life" Stan waved dismissively "well the good news is your situation won't be as severe as mine."

"It won't?"

"Ezraphel and I are a special case. It just so happens that Lilims are more insatiable than the average Mamono and I have a more or less fluid schedule so I can afford to spend days fucking her" he ended with a sigh rubbing the back of his neck "or I just make excuses not to go through it at all."

…for some reason Stan's face looked really punchable in that moment.

"So just to clarify Amelia won't be like that?"

Stan shook his head "no at least not outside of that first encounter or special occasions" he shrugged.

"What special occasions?"

"I don't know man pick your poison: birthdays, holidays, anniversary, definitely your honeymoon. Just think of the kind of celebration or event where Amelia would have the excuse to fuck you for an entire day."

Liam had to take a minute to rationalize his words which was quite difficult as they were just…so…ridiculous.

"I don't know if I should feel relieved or terrified" he then groaned "I can't believe I'm using the word 'terrified' to describe having sex with my future wife."

"That means you're one of the rare few men who think with the head on their shoulders" Stan nodded "I swear to god we're a dying breed."

"What do you mean 'we'?"

"I'll have you know I managed to endure almost two months living with Ezraphel actively trying to seduce me without falling to temptation."

Two months?

'Holy shit!'

"Wow, that's…actually admirable."

"Fucking right" Stan said smugly before pointing at him "also just because Amelia won't be as insatiable as Ez doesn't mean she won't try to have sex with you every chance she gets. Mamono are perpetually horny and semen is their main diet."

"If that's the case then what's the difference between her and Ezraphel?"

"The difference is Amelia might need two maybe three cumshots to get her satiated for the day as opposed to six."

Liam boggled at him "that is insane!"

"Don't take my words as facts I'm only making an educated guess here" he paused "be grateful I still keep count of how many times I nut inside my girlfriend and how long it takes for her to become 'hungry' again."

"I didn't want to know that."

Stan ignored him to continue "frankly it's unfair to compare normal Mamono to Lilims" he shook his head "they're just built different."

"I'll take your word for it" Liam said hesitantly glad that they're moving on.

"Just keep in mind that after she becomes a Mamono you'll be dealing with an Amelia dialed up to one hundred especially if she's serious about learning magic" he clarified.

The reminder had Liam blink "I almost forgot about the magic thing."

"Yeah" Stan scowled "word to the wise you need to double down on keeping her tendencies in check Liam. I know it might come off as being overbearing but trust me if you give Amelia an inch she will take more than a mile. And having access to reality warping magic will definitely make her bolder."

"Jesus, how did you deal with that with Ezraphel?"

"I didn't" he scowled "the spell that brought Ezraphel here drained her reserves so she couldn't use magic without taking spirit energy."

"What's that?"

"In this context human mana inside semen basically" he explained

"Oh" he made a face before moving on "so she couldn't use magic?"

"No and I wasn't going to give her the means to do it without the assurance that she was on the level you know."

"So she was basically like a normal woman then?"

"Hell no, magic or no magic Ezraphel is still outrageously strong" he scowled "in hindsight I was pretty fucking lucky she just didn't get fed up with my bullshit and rape me."

Liam winced at his explanation "that sounds terrible."

"It was, I had to keep her at bay with airsoft rounds, verbal abuse and the threat of violence."

The more he spoke the more Liam could see how uncomfortable reliving the whole ordeal was to him so he decided to change course.

"So everything worked out I'm guessing, since if it didn't well…" he really didn't want to think of the alternative.

"Yeah everything worked out" he sighed "and I think it would have only worked out with her too."

"What do you mean?"

"Ezraphel really didn't have to put up with me the way she did especially after she got her magic back. If it were any other Mamono we wouldn't be having this conversation. Worse if it were any other Lilim we would be seeing a full on Mamono incursion about right now."

Liam's mind immediately went to an army of horny monster women slinging magic invading cities across the world and cringed.

"W-we're getting off topic" he half stuttered.

"Right" Stan paused "what were we talking about again?"

"What I should expect after Amelia turns" he sighed.

"An Amelia with a higher libido, hypersexual personality, lower inhibitions, the audacity to try outrageous things, the eventual magic to justify doing those outrageous things and an insensitiveness towards human convention in favor of embracing mamono customs" Stan listed off with his fingers.

Liam stared for a moment before speaking with a sardonic tone "Amelia dialed up to eleven right?" he echoed Stan's words from earlier.

"I'm not saying that she's going to do a complete 180 with her personality but she's definitely going to be towing the line between what is and isn't acceptable in our current society more times than not. Things that she wouldn't do as a human will suddenly look 'not that bad' to her as a Mamono especially when it comes to sex and romance. The onus is going to be on you to check her so she doesn't do anything that will put the two of you in jeopardy."

"I guess I really have my work cut out for me then" Liam blew out air from his mouth as he leaned back in the sofa rubbing his face with a groan "you know Stan I was really hoping this talk would reassure me that this would work out."

"No idea why you'd think talking to me would do that. You know I'm a pessimist right?"

"I guess that's my bad then."

Stan looked at the man for a bit before silently cursing to himself "well the good news is that after she turns Amelia will be more or less devoted to you."

"Isn't she already?"

Stan scoffed "I'm talking next level devotion. You'll basically be the most important person to her and she'll do her level best to make you happy."

"You know the way you say that makes it feel like there's a huge caveat."

"Not necessarily" Stan answered before closing his eyes and sighing "I can't believe I'm saying this but Amelia is a reasonably smart woman and she's not ignorant so any faux pas made on her part will have to be a conscious effort."

"I think that's enough for now" Liam grumbled with a sigh of his own "unless there's anything else I should know."

"Say goodbye to any form of contraceptives from now on and be prepared for a spontaneous pregnancy down the line."

"…good talk Stan" then he made to stand when Stan stopped him.

"Wait, wait, wait" Stan hurriedly spoke "despite what I say I still believe Amelia becoming a Mamono will ultimately be a good thing."

That piqued Liam's interest enough for him to sit down and gesture towards the other man "go on."

"For one after she turns Amelia will be the second sexiest woman alive."

Liam rubbed his chin with a hum "there is that."

"You can also take solace in knowing that your relationship is secured with a lifetime guarantee. You won't ever have to worry about getting divorced and any rough patches you might go through will solve itself pretty quickly."

"Speaking from experience?" he half snarked.

"…" Stan's expression became tight.

The sudden change in the man's expression had Liam backpedal "shit I'm sorry Stan."

"No, no that's…you're absolutely right about that. This isn't the first time me and Ez had a falling out this is just the worst. We'll get past this or at least I will…eventually. Maybe seeing you and Amelia work out will make me feel a little better about the situation or blue balls will get me before that" he shrugged "who the fuck really knows? Until then I think I have the right to give her a hard time."

"You know we've been talking about how Amelia's going to become a supernatural nymphomaniac and how Ezraphel is a more intense version of that but if that's true how the hell do you cope with it?"

"It helps that I'm not exactly human anymore."

"Oh right…how does that work by the way?

"Okay so corruption and monsterization works both ways. For human women they turn into Mamono but for men they become Incubi."

"Not monster boys?"

"There are no monster boys and the only difference between a human and an Incubus is that Incubi are basically made to be the perfect partners for Mamono."


"I wasn't exaggerating when I said I've fucked Ezraphel for a week straight dude."

Liam cringed "kinda hoping you were to be honest."

"Also my dick is huge."

Liam massaged his temple "again I did not need to know that."

"Like a foot long" Stan continued with a smirk.

"That…" Liam trailed off before shaking his head deciding to instead broach another question that was previously on his mind but put on the backburner until now "is that why you look so different?"

"Yep, what you're looking at is the physical manifestation of Ezraphel's idealized version of me" he said with a deadpan drawl whilst gesturing to himself.

"I don't know what to say to that."

"There's a psychological element to that too."

Liam sat up straighter as Stan's tone shifted to something more grave "really?"

"Yeah Demonic Energy tends to have a psychedelic effect on people, like taking super molly" at Liam's disturbed expression Stan cursed and amended "shit don't worry Ezraphel can make it so that those effects don't show up."

Liam muttered something incomprehensible before forging on "what psychological effects did it have on you?"

"I'm a lot less awkward about sex."

"Can you skip all the sexual parts" Liam interrupted.

"I'm a lot more emphatic" he began "I can pick up people's emotional state better, I don't have social anxiety, I'm a lot more intuitive about stuff and my confidence is through the roof."

"Good for you" Liam said before sinking into the couch

"It's a lot to take in" Stan commented "all this."

"Does it get any easier?"

"I'm not exactly the benchmark for sanity here but yeah it does get better, adapt and over come and all that."

Nothing more was said after this and for a long moment the two simply basked in the silence until a particularly loud crash of thunder sounded causing Liam to wince.

"I don't think we're going to be lucky enough to get a second pass with this weather."

Stan waved him off "Ezraphel is going to fix that later."

"What? Is she going to manipulate the weather or something?" he asked jokingly before pausing "wait, is she?"

"She did it yesterday."

Liam worked his mouth for a moment before closing his eyes with a shake of his head "right, of course because that makes sense because why not?"

"If there is one thing you will soon come to learn Liam it's that magic is bullshit. Nonsensical reality warping bullshit."

'And Amelia wants to learn how to do it.'

The thought had Liam sinking into his chair in despair.

"Oy vey."