14.2 Girl Talk

'How did it end up like this?'

Amelia had practically accosted Stan's girlfriend (something she was still getting used to) and brought her to their little corner to have a little girl's talk. She took the single seat sofa nearby leaving Amelia and Ezraphel to share the three-seater. Make no mistake Kendall was just an unwitting third party observer at this point. The talk had started out well enough with Amelia more than willing to ask all the pertinent questions that Kendall herself was curious about. Questions like who she was and where she came from?

Turns out Ezraphel came from an isolated community similar to the Amish and was raised in a traditionalist family which explained a lot about the woman. Even her name 'Ezraphel' had a distinct Shakespearean quality to it. It also explained why she wasn't on any kind of social media platform and didn't even have any form of ID. That was weird but you know what was even weirder? It essentially meant that Ezraphel's appearance was literally the result of good breeding and an 18th century lifestyle. Apparently a woman can look like Ezraphel without plastic surgery, skin care products, dieting or even an exercise regimen.

Kendall wasn't jealous.

No really, she wasn't jealous at all!

Now that her origins were out of the way the conversation switched gears to how she met Stan and this was where she lost Kendall. So apparently Ezraphel ran away from home then roamed the countryside eventually reaching the city where she wound up in a club, got drunk and somehow found her way into Stan's yard where she passed out to be discovered by him the following morning.

…and despite how ridiculous that sounded it somehow paled in comparison to how she formed a relationship with Stan himself.

Stan being the gentleman that he was literally dragged her into his house. After she woke up they got into an argument in which he 'politely' told her to leave his house or else he'll call the police to 'assist' her she somehow managed to not only persuade him not to do that but convinced him to let her stay. How she did this? By explaining her situation after which he took pity on her allowing her to stay at his house for a few days which eventually turned into six months where the two formed a relationship.

Kendall's first thoughts upon hearing this story was 'that can't be real.'

What Ezraphel just explained sounded like the summary of a TV show complete with the appropriate plot holes, leaps in real world logic and suspension of disbelief to boot. And yet despite this fact and Kendall's suspicions she still believed her. Not because the story made sense but by how the woman herself spoke about it. Either Ezraphel was delusional to a fault or she was the greatest actress Kendall has ever seen because even when Kendall and Amelia called out the inconsistencies/bullshit Ezraphel calmly explained it in a way that seemed logical.

By the end of it Kendall totally bought the ridiculous story and so did Amelia who quickly segued into a topic that Kendall had no interest in, the actual relationship. Now this is the part where Kendall completely checked out of the conversation and it was all because of Amelia. Kendall had a problem with Amelia. The redhead was a gossip, a self proclaimed gamer and an 'otaku' but that wasn't Kendall's issue with the woman. Kendall's issue with Amelia was that she was a shameless pervert. Quite shocking seeing as how she looks, speaks and acts in a generally normal manner for the most part.

Thing is Amelia as a content creator has amassed a large following by making primarily risqué age restricted content to the point where her community has crowned her the Queen of Degeneracy. Some of the more outlandish things she does as a content creator include but are not limited to: being a professional anime and hentai cosplayer, doing livestreams in lacy lingerie, reviewing hentai, visiting sex shops to peruse their wares, reviewing said bought wares and doing interviews with porn stars.

She also has an OnlyFans account that basically features the explicit versions of her videos and cosplay. You'd think it was an act for the simps that comprise her community but no Amelia was just really lewd. In fact she once confided in her that the reason why she hadn't gone into porn or even having nudity in her explicit content was because Liam was not cool with that and she was genuinely in love with the guy. Plus as it is she makes more profit from teasing nudity rather than doing blatant nudity.

Kendall thought Amelia would be the only oddity of her kind that she would meet but never before would Kendall imagine she would meet Amelia's kindred spirit. It turns out that Ezraphel too was a pervert but at the same time it was hard to just call her that. Any brave woman can explain how they fucked their boyfriend but with Ezraphel it felt like she was weaving an intricate tale of pleasure, orgasms and giant dicks which apparently Stan has.

This was not the kind of thing Kendall would ever enjoy hearing but she like Amelia found herself enraptured by Ezraphel's passionate storytelling. The portrait painted by her words was so vivid that for a brief moment it felt like she was there in Ezraphel's place getting teased, squeezed and dicked down by Stan.

Wait, WHAT!?

And that's when she realized that this tale, sounding like it was coming straight out of an erotic novel, was basically detailing the sexual escapades of Stan-fucking-Berkowitz. The same Stan Berkowitz who was doing a League of Legend ranked match style trash talk round over fucking Airsoft mods. And just like that the bubble was popped, the fantasy was gone and Kendall was left feeling a conflicted mess of arousal and shame.

Pulling down the beanie on her head to where it covered her face and dropping her head back on the sofa back Kendall gave a long suffering groan 'oh my god~'

Her groan naturally attracted the attention of the other two women who look at her in confusion.

"Are you okay?" Amelia asked with some concern.


"What's wrong?"


"Were you imagining yourself having sex with my Stanley?"

Kendall's head snapped up, the beanie was pulled from her wide eyes to see the other woman looking at her with a cheeky grin.

'She knows' a part of her mind supplied.



Amelia looked between the two of them before her gaze settled on Kendall "is it true?"



Kendall glared at the taller woman who only laughed with Amelia joining "oh my god, it's true!"

Kendall felt her cheeks burning "shut up!"

"It's okay Kendall" Ezraphel said between laughs "you wouldn't be the first woman to have such thoughts about my Stanley."

Amelia gave her a look "really?"

Ezraphel nodded "oh yes, Stanley doesn't notice it himself but he does turn quite the number of heads when we go out in public."

Amelia looked to the man himself "I mean" she paused while shaking her head from side to side as if thinking how to phrase her words "he's not bad looking, at least not like the last time we met."

"By the way what's up with that?" Kendall jumped in happy to change the subject from her erotic thoughts "did you do that or was he like that when you met?"

At the question Ezraphel's smiled dimmed a bit "ah, when we first met Stanley and I were in a…let's say worse place than we currently are."

"Well Stan I can figure" Amelia commented "no offense girl but that man was unpleasant to be around even at the best of times" she paused for a moment giving a surreptitious glance to the man in question before continuing "he still is actually."

Kendall could agree and she out of everyone owed Stan a great deal. At a time in her life when everything seemed to be going wrong and she was in danger of forever being a wage slave Stan put her up with the most unlikeliest of jobs and basically foot the bill for her life for a whole year. Yet despite her eternal gratitude to the man she was also aware that he was hard to get along with. Kendall has enough experience with navigating the dark trenches of the internet to not be totally bothered by him but Amelia wasn't.

Being a pervert does not make one immune to all forms of degeneracy.

"Ah Stanley has a tendency to push people away" Ezraphel spoke with a sad note "he tried his very best to do the same with me" and at this point she smiled "but he quickly found that I am not so easily deterred."

With a declaration like that done with a straight face both woman were hard pressed to deny that she was anything but genuine.

"…huh." was Kendall's succinct comment.

Amelia was more articulate however "you actually like him…like really like him?"

"Amelia, I love him."

"But why though?" Amelia seemed to realize how that question would come and backtracked "not that there's anything wrong with liking him…" she trailed off.

"But why though?" Kendall reiterated bluntly with no regrets.

Ezraphel chuckled at their antics "it is alright. I am not oblivious to how we may look to most people. It is hard for me to articulate my feelings to you in a way that you would appreciate and understand."

"No need to go all Shakespeare" Kendall commented while resting a cheek on her hand.

The Amelia added "and we promise not to make fun of you for it."

Ezraphel looked between the two of them for a moment before beginning "then I guess the easiest way to explain it is that I felt a connection with Stanley the first time I laid eyes on him. Even though he was rude, mean and didn't want me to stay I made myself enough of a useful nuisance to him that he had no other choice."

Kendall raised an eyebrow "what do you mean by 'useful'?"

"I cook for him and do all the chores around the house" the woman elaborated.

Amelia's eyes narrow a bit "he's making you do domestic stuff?"

"He didn't make me. Stanley doesn't really care what I got up to so long as I didn't disturb him. I just noticed the house could use some cleaning so I did just that. I also noted that Stanley wasn't eating right so I started cooking his meals."

"Oh" Amelia nodded "so you are responsible for turning him into that?"



"But" she added "Stanley put in his own efforts as well."

"Sure, sure 'you can lead a horse to water' and all that" Amelia waved off.

"So what about you two?" Ezraphel asked.


"How did you become friends with Stanley? I was under the impression that he had no friends."

"Wow" Kendall drawled "didn't even mention us."

"Just to be clear" Amelia butted in "Stan and I are not friends."

Ezraphel blinked "you're not?"

"Oh no, Liam, my fiancé over there" she pointed at the man attempting to mitigate an ongoing argument between Stan and Kendrick "he's friends with Stan. As for me I tolerate him."


"No offense Ez, I like you but your boyfriend is a troll. Like a literal troll."

Ezraphel didn't take that as an insult not really. She understood that the word 'troll' had negative connotations but she couldn't divorce them from the rather pleasant Mamono species of her home.

"Don't take what she says too personally" Kendall "they have this weird hate/respect relationship."

"I don't understand."

"We don't like each other but we don't actually like hate each other" Amelia attempted to explain.

"It's like what he's doing with Kendrick over there" she hooked a thumb over to the argument which was still going strong "except instead of taking out their gripes in airsoft or videogames they try to one up each other with insults."

"Ah" Ezraphel nods "so it is a battle of wits then?"

"Yeah, I call him a greasy virgin troll of a midget and he calls me a low tier wannabe porn star degenerate" Amelia finished off easily.

"Except he's not greasy or a virgin anymore" Kendall reminded.

"Oh yeah and come to think of it did he get taller?" Amelia scratched her chin "shit thanks for that by the way" she sent a faux glare to Ezraphel.

The woman gave a beatific smile in return "you are most welcome~"

After a long moment of scrutinizing the woman Amelia shook her head "I can't be mad at you."

"Stanley said the same thing" Ezraphel observed before stretching.

The display did a good job of showing off her prominent assets and making Amelia question her sexuality. Kendall didn't have that problem as she was a proud bisexual. No, her problem was that she found the perfect woman but said woman was already taken and by the most unlikely of men she knew. Never before would Kendall ever think that she would be jealous of Stan in such a way yet here she was lusting after his girlfriend like an old school nerd does for the cheerleader.

Kendall would like to think that she wasn't being so obvious about it however the knowing looks Ezraphel gave her said that she failed in that regard. Even more damning was the smirk! She knew exactly what she was doing to Kendall and was encouraging it.

What could it mean?

'Is…is she into girls too?'

"I'm hungry" Amelia's words luckily saved her from dwelling on these thoughts.

Ezraphel's gaze darted to the clock "I should get started preparing the meals."

"Babe what are we doing for food?" Amelia called out to Liam getting the other boys' attention.

Almost immediately places for takeout were loudly suggested however one voice rose above them all.

"No" all eyes turned to Ezraphel who continued "no takeout."

"Ez-" began an exasperated Stan only to be silenced with a glare.

"No Stanley, you are not eating takeout. I won't allow it."

"Whipped" Kendrick snickered with the appropriate sound effect.

"What the hell are you laughing about? None of you idiots are getting takeout either. Right Ez?"

"Of course not" said woman agreed standing with her hands on her hips. Sharp blue eyes panned across the room daring any brave soul to disagree with her statement. Wisely they all acquiesced in their silence.

Liam after a moment decided to break the silence "so, what's on the menu then?"