17.3 Bitter

As they left the staging area the group of two dozen men and women were led to a spacious interconnected hallway where they were subjected to a gear and weapon check. Every gear must fall under the preapproved standards set by the arena owners which were conveniently outlined on posters placed both in the staging area and on the nearby wall. Every weapon was checked for illegal mods, appropriate bb type, rate of fire, etc. If everything checks out then they are free to enter the arena and if not then they are instructed to change loadout, rent something appropriate at the front or leave.

He'd like to say that everyone already knew the deal but a few guys had to leave for a bit because they brought shooting glasses instead of proper masks and one idiot thought he looked cool with a kerchief over his mouth.

'Fucking amateurs.'

You can always gauge the measure of an airsoft player by the gear they wore and how customized their weapons are. Speaking of weapons there were a few interesting choices seen in terms of customization both tactical and cosmetic. Not that Stanley would judge, on the contrary he could appreciate a good customization within reason. Even the outlandish stuff was better than just your bog standard weapon straight out the box. Sure going plain over outlandish is better from a tactical standpoint but it was also boring as hell.

This is why he brought with him his VFC M4 Samurai Edge and for his secondary he went with the TTI Combat Master handgun. His rifle definitely got a few turned heads what with the skeletal frame and neon blue interior but even with its uniqueness it was far from the most attention grabbing weapon in the room. He should know because Stan's attention was caught by those guys as well.

"There are a lot of speedsofters here" Stan noted a particular group.

Next to him Jamie looked in the same direction "how can you tell?"

"I know modded sweat gear when I see it."

Kendrick sighed "there goes our casual play, fucking sweats."

'You said it' he silently agreed.

It was then that both Kendrick and Stanley realized they were receiving deadpan and shifty looks from the rest of the group.


Amelia chose to answer "oh nothing just thinking how hypocritical it is hearing two of the sweatiest shooters we know complaining about other sweaty players."

"We only play sweaty in videogames Amelia" Stanley defended.

"Yeah, this was supposed to be our time to have fun and enjoy ourselves" Kendrick added.

"Well it's a good thing we're not sharing the warehouse with those guys" Liam commented as they saw the speedsofter group go in with another group of ultra modders.

The warehouse wasn't a singular arena but rather two arenas partitioned in a bid to host more players. With the arena filled with half rooms, short walls and barrel drums for cover it made for a rather claustrophobic arena which was the point really. The terrain encouraged a slow methodical type of gameplay as opposed to popping off on full auto as Jamie would put it. To this end certain weapons and behavior are banned in this arena.

As for the game itself the staff left that decision up to the teams once they were cleared to play.

"Team deathmatch" Stan immediately spoke.

"You know we could go with variety…for once" Liam stressed "it's not like we can't do other games."

Liam did have a point as there were a number of game types that can be played in the arena. The facility even goes so far as types offering props and even staff members to act as judges to better accommodate those other games. Stanley himself didn't particularly mind playing those games either but they already lost yesterday and everyone was itching to get to the action.

"Hey I'm all for variety but we already lost a day to this shitty weather so we might as well get into it fast" Kendrick explained.

Liam looked to the others "and all of you?"

"I agree with Kendrick, no need to be elaborate with the games."

As for Jamie he shrugged "if it ain't broke"

"Ugh" Liam shook his head in mild disappointment.

In response Amelia patted his back "there, there babe, we can always do other games tomorrow."

Team Deathmatch was a pretty straightforward and simple game type. Players are split into two teams if one player gets hit they go back to a 'respawn point' which is usually on the far end of the arena before they can resume. The team with the most number of kills wins.

Now with the game decided the two teams of six entered the warehouse to begin. Stan and the others have go-pro cameras attached to their helmets because what content creator would give up the opportunity for fresh new content practically being handed to them on a silver platter.

Two ensure maximum coverage the group used a partner system with Kendrick paired with Jamie, Amelia paired with Liam and Stan paired with Kendall. As Kendall was the most cautious player on the team and wasn't in a rush she decided to go last. Stan deferred to her pace this round if only because he knew she couldn't keep up with his sweaty plays. The point was to have fun and as much as Stan liked a full frontal assault he can find entertainment in a surgical precision.

Not even a minute into the game and things were already popping offwith the sporadic sound of airsoft fire as both sides made contact with each other.

One such spray was followed by an unfamiliar voice yelling "hit!"

"What's the play Kendall?"

"Go in from the sides, you lead the way."


"Shut up and go."

As they crept through the tight half building amalgamations a familiar voice yelled "hit!" in the same general direction.

That was Jamie.

Stan crept careful and deliberate with his rifle trained forward and head on a swivel imagining himself to look like an actual soldier in a warzone. And just like a soldier his ear strained and he held up a fist but unlike he didn't count on Kendall to understand his sudden freeze and instead leaned out with his rifle from a sharp corner and fire in a burst.

"Hit!" a voice called out before the owner walked into view with his hands up in surrender.

Stan leaned out for a bit to survey before ducking back around the corner "I think there's another guy somewhere around there. I'll be bait you flank around back"

Kendall nodded and Stan strafed out the corner gun held up close and tight as his eyes darted around. Not seeing anyone he used hand signals to tell pointed to a specific direction. He heard Kendall move silently back making a sweep of her own. It was risky leaving her alone but in the end it turned out to be the right play. The game was in full swing now and the occasional burst of airsoft mixed with some occasional chatter reached his ears.

Despite the cacophony of noise that echoed through the warehouse Stan was focused and alert completely in his element which is why he was able to see the orange barrel of a rifle peeking out the corner. Reacting with a grace that betrayed his appearance he managed to duck into cover a split second before BBs highlighted by a purple tracer were fired. The tracer made tracking the location much easier, not that he needed it. He returned cover fire for a bit but that was a distraction for Kendall who managed to figure out their location quick.

"Hit!" the unfamiliar voice spoke out after a burst of airsoft fire.

Kendall came from the corner with a triumphant smirk which Stan shared for all of five seconds before…


"Ah! Hit!" Kendall yelled and began walking away but Stan was already moving.

After hearing the boots coming from the corner a lean out from cover had several precision shots impacting the persona and avenging Kendall.


Creeping out he spied another figure ducking under cover some ways away and he made the decision to backtrack to a previously passed window. Using his small frame and understated strength allowed him to hop over the opening with relative ease and land crouched on the balls of his feet like Spider-Man.

His eyes darting about in time with his rifle.



Moments later another "Hit!" sounded but this was followed by a muffled curse that came from behind.

Stan immediately turned just as the other player crept forward from cover apparently wanting to flank him but didn't expect him to use the window as a shortcut between corners. To his credit the guy immediately reacted but Stanley was already had him in his sights and he only managed to turn right into a short hail of BBs.


Stan noted before…


'Heh' behind his mask he smirked.

That was Kendrick.

Moving with purpose towards where he heard his teammate's voice. He managed to find Kendrick during his walk of shame.

"Guy coming up" he grunted lowly.

A nod was all Stan gave him before he ducked under cover and listened.


The sound of sneakers was all the noise he needed to lean out with his rifle and fire a burst shot.


Stan peeked around the corner to follow the guy leaving and just before he turned the corner his sharp gaze saw a shadow.


Another from the other team got tagged.

Going past a corner he peeped something black poking out and managed to duck away just in time for a BB to hit where his head would be.

Then a voice adjacent to his position shouted "yo, I got you bro."

"Trust me bro, you didn't" Stan called back and mentally kicked himself for giving away his position as he became acutely aware of a shadow coming up from directly across his cover going for a pincer maneuver.

'Fucking asshole probably did that on purpose' he silently groused.

It didn't matter though since he already pegged the other guy's likely position so the moment he saw a helmet and mask he loosed a burst shot with unerring accuracy pinging a few off the guy's helmet.

There was a yell of "hit!" as the guy flinched and began walking away from the corner tohis team's spawn point.

At the same time the other guy stopped shooting and Stan used the opportunity to creep forward for a flanking maneuver. A quick lean had him see the other guy in mid reload and gave him a couple BBs for his trouble.


Stan continued deeper into enemy territory.



'Another one bites the dust' Stanley mentally sighed.

Just then a horn sounded followed by "that's game!"

"Wait what?" Stanley looked about.

He let his rifle hang from the strap as he pondered while fishing out his phone 'has it already been two hours?'

According to his phone two hours have indeed passed.

As the other players started walking towards the warehouse entrance Stanley couldn't help but ponder the incredulity of what just took place like "what the actual fuck?"

"What crawled up your ass?"

Stan gave Kendrick a side eyed glance before muttering "nothing."



He gave an aggravated sigh "I didn't realize time was going by so fast."

Before Kendrick could comment Jamie came up next to Stan and bumped his shoulder "Stan the man looking good cooking up the other team's asses on a fucking grill out there!"

Stan couldn't help but crack a smirk at his friend's description which was pretty much accurate. It has been nothing but domination on Stan's part and because of this they ended up winning by a landslide. Stan ended up separating himself from the rest of his team and earning him the ire of the other team. Even now he could hear the salty mutterings of a few of them crying foul play in spite of proving numerous times that they did not hit him.

"Eh, screw those guys" Kendrick spoke in solidarity "it's not your fault they can't keep up with skill."

'That's not true.'

The other team was actually pretty good but in the face of Stan the Incubus mere humans didn't amount to much. It was actually unfair the advantage his Incubus body gave him which was something he never really put much thought into until ten minutes into the start of the game. Before that he knew he would have some advantages being that he was physically superior to his previous self but given how claustrophobic the arena is and how chaotic airsoft can be he figured the physical differences wouldn't give him too much of an advantage.

He was wrong, Stan was so wrong and those anime, movies and TV shows that portray superhuman battles against normal people had the correct idea. That notion never registered with him given that he's only ever seen live action superhuman feats through at CG. When real people try to copy superhuman feats it always ends either in disaster or something subpar to what is viewed in fiction. For the entirety of that airsoft match Stanley has been experiencing that fiction.

Now this was the first time Stan, as an Incubus, was engaged in rigorous physical activity outside of sex and it proved to be just as much a boon for him in the arena as it was in the bedroom. In short superhuman physicality was indeed bullshit to the point where he realized after one incident where he pulled off an impossible dodge and got into it with the other team that he couldn't just go around the arena kicking ass and taking names John Wick style for the entire duration of the game.

Not an easy feat as time passed since it was time spent getting used to his heightened senses and superhuman physicality in the arena environment. He could not only 'sense' other people through the use of his heightened senses but react in ways that no human should be able to. He could literally matrix bullet dodge BBs and score shots between gaps from ten feet across easily. Finding out that particular fact made him go on a bit of a power trip which led to the other team calling bullshit and accusing him of cheating.

Yeah that tempered his excitement of living a power fantasy real quick because at first the accusation was him lying about not being hit but if anyone managed to get a good look when he does something humanly impossible it might just end up causing more trouble than it was worth. A fact that might come true considering he and his team all had cameras recording their every move. Thus from then on he let himself take hits from the other team which was the only way to make it fair.

And therein lay the problem because now he just found it unfair to both himself and the other players. Unfair that he can't push himself like he used to without raising eyebrows and dropping jaws. As much as he liked a power fantasy part of the fun and enjoyment he got from Airsoft was that it was an activity that pushed him in one of his most lacking areas, fitness. Both the circumstances of his lifestyle and birth left him physically inferior to others and that impacted how good someone is in airsoft. Stan was able to distinguish himself by using skill to compensate for his lack of physical ability.

Now that gap between his skill and physical ability was not only bridged but exceeded with him becoming an Incubus. Now he felt like a videogame character having finished the story mode once and going through a new game plus with all his boosted stats and achievements intact. He needed to hold back and let himself get tagged just to give the other team a fighting chance and to let everyone else on his team have fun.

"Man that was hectic" Liam came up removing his mask and wiping the sweat from his brow.

Beside him Amelia was panting like a dog while fanning herself "need hydration stat!"

Stan didn't share their enthusiasm or worry because even after two hours of airsoft play and Stan wasn't really breathing hard and hardly broke a sweat. Frankly Ezraphel has given him more of a workout in half an hour than the entire game did in two hours. No necessarily a fair comparison since the Lilim was literally sucking his life force through his dick but it is what it is.

As they came back into the staging area he was greeted by his girlfriend "Stanley!"

'Oh good' he thought to himself sarcastically while managing to pull off his face mask before Ezraphel swept him up in her arms and proceeded to dab his face in kisses much to the amusement and jealousy of the onlookers.

"I've missed you~"

Stanley could only roll his eyes both at her and the people not so subtly watching them. Yet despite this seemingly innocuous action Ezraphel's eyes narrowed minutely as she regarded him.

"What's wrong?"


"You're lying"

'What the fuck is up with people reading me today?'

Was his disgruntlement that transparent?

"Ugh, look it's not a big deal or anything."

He wouldn't say potentially losing airsoft as a viable fun activity due to his sudden onset of overpowered-ness was nothing but…

"I just need some time to think."

"Is there any way I can help?"

"You can help by putting me down, we're making a scene."

She was literally standing in the middle of the staging area holding him off the ground in a bear hug. It spoke a lot about how done Stanley was that he didn't even care Amelia was taking pics of his precarious position.

Ezraphel's brows furrowed in concern but she did put him down though with a few ominous parting words.

"Tonight we will be talking about this" she warned.

He almost responded with "is that before or after you suck my dick?" but thought better of it.

With that interaction done she sauntered over to talk with Amelia who was gaining a few glancing looks with how sweaty she'd gotten and apparently unafraid of the consequences of dousing her head in water which will inevitably seep into her clothes

The whole thing brought a raised eyebrow to Stanley's face "what's up with her?"

"Amelia was going pretty hard in there" Jamie answered.


"Pretty sure she racked the most kills after you."


His response caused Jamie to glance at him "what you mean you didn't see it?"

"Um" he trailed off as now that he thought about it "I barely saw her at all the entire match."

That got a raised eyebrow from the two "that's weird."

That is weird because the arena wasn't large nor was it a convoluted maze and while they put up an antagonistic front (and actually do have grievances with each other) it wasn't to the point where they deliberately avoid each other on the field, they were still teammates.

"Makes sense actually" Kendall piped up having overheard them "she's stuck close to Liam the entire game."


'Now that I think about it I barely worked with Liam the entire game too.'

For arenas like this and with Stan's current circumstances it was in his best interest to not be in the company of other people especially his teammates who all have body cameras. So at best he worked with one other teammate or go solo. In fact the more he thought of Amelia and Liam the more he remembered just turning away from the pair whenever he sees them or going another route to assist them. The thought brought forth his growing frustrations and distress he felt at the prospect of losing interest in his favorite outdoor activity.

This whole affair left a bitter taste in his mouth.