Lightning and Thunder Flash, Heaven and Earth Shakes, Torrential Rain Pours Out of the Sky!

At the same time as King Yan's army moved out from Dachang County, a person arrived at Juhe County.

Xu Bailu was a Daoist nun who looked to be in her early thirties. She wore a light green Daoist robe with white deer patterns embroidered on it. She wore a lotus flower crown and carried a long sword on her back. She looked valiant and heroic.

Her appearance was extremely beautiful, and she could be said to be capable of causing the downfall of a country. Her skin was as fair as jade, and her facial features were perfectly matched. Especially her eyes, they were abnormally bright, and her eyelashes were thin and long. She gave off a beautiful and otherworldly feeling, but at the same time, she also looked a little charming.

However, Xu Bailu's great reputation in the pugilistic world was not only because of her beauty, but also because of her own strength.