Follow Me East and Attack Juhe County!

The atmosphere during the meal was very subtle.

Fang Min was puzzled as to why Cui Heng looked so confident, but Zhou Caiwei was trying her best to hide the fear in her heart.

As for Cui Heng, he was thinking about how to lure that top expert from the Yuhua Sword Pavilion to Juhe County.

After all, from Yan Sheng's previous situation, the higher the person's cultivation level, the stronger the emotional feedback he could obtain. The feedback of a top expert was probably comparable to hundreds or thousands of people.

Unfortunately, none of the three people at the dinner table achieved their goal in the end.

Fang Min left with doubts. Zhou Caiwei failed to hide her fear.

Cui Heng did not find anything that could fool the top experts of the Yuhua Sword Pavilion over.

"This girl's spiritual perception is extraordinary."

Cui Heng looked in the direction of Fang Min and Zhou Caiwei and left with interest.