Sects and Clans, Wealthy Merchants

In the reception hall of Juhe County Office.

Cui Heng sat on a chair while Xu Feng'an stood behind him like a follower.

Liu Litao brought Qian Cang here and glanced at Xu Feng'an. He felt that he looked familiar, but he couldn't remember where he had seen him before.

Then, his attention was focused on Cui Heng.

The county magistrate of Juhe County did not seem to have any intention of standing up and bowing.

However, as the county governor, Liu Litao did not feel dissatisfied.

He casually found an empty seat and sat down. He took the initiative to start a conversation and said with a smile of admiration, "County Magistrate Cui, you're young and promising. You've only been in office for a few days, but you've already managed Juhe County in an orderly manner and the people are living in peace."

"I'm just doing my duty." Cui Heng smiled and did not continue beating around the bush. He asked directly, "May I know why Governor Liu is here?"