Walking Further and Further on the Road of Death

After explaining everything, Liu Litao was already prepared to be rejected by Cui Heng.

After all, the position of governor of Lu County did not seem like a good job.

Unless he killed all the people from these large sects and families and confiscated all their businesses, it was impossible for him to stop them from causing trouble for him.

Otherwise, there was nothing he could do.

However, if he really took action, not to mention whether he could do it or not, even if he could, he would definitely offend most of the sects and families in Fengzhou.

There was no lack of top experts among them.

If it reached that stage, even an Immortal would find it difficult to move.

He couldn't really kill the entire Fengzhou until blood flowed like a river, right?

It seemed that he still had to continue being the governor of Lu County. Liu Litao felt sorrowful in his heart, as if he could already foresee his tragic future.