Let's Talk Peacefully

"Deputy Chen!" Qian Fangkong collapsed to the ground.

"You, how did you get in?!" Song Ming was also pale with fear. He looked at Hui Shi in horror and looked outside.

This was the inner hall of the county office. There were many constables guarding outside. Even if Hui Shi wanted to enter, someone would definitely come over to report first!

How could he have let him in so silently!

"What are you looking at?" Hui Shi shook the bloody steel blade in his hand and sneered. "Are you curious about how I got in and why the constables outside didn't make a sound?"

"You, you, could it be…" Song Ming looked at the steel saber in Hui Shi's hand and trembled. "You killed them?!"

"Do you know what the most perfect infiltration is?" Hui Shi did not attack immediately. Instead, he asked with interest.