Her Sword

In the inner hall of the county office.

Chen Tong sat at the table with a frown as he stared at the mound of information with a worried expression.

A young girl who looked to be 18 or 19 years old was sitting on a chair not far away, her two calves dangling in the air impatiently.

She was playing with a sheathed long sword.

The scabbard was made of purple wood. It was rather exquisite but not too eye-catching.

The hilt of this sword was carved with the shape of clouds. The material was neither gold nor jade, but it was suffused with a faint purple light, making it obvious that this sword was extraordinary.

"Brother, is the mission that the Governor gave you so important?"

Chen Ying placed her sword on the table beside her and cupped her face with her hands. She muttered softly, "You don't even talk to me after coming back to the governor court. Also, why are there so few people in your governor court?"