Hongwu Divine Sword (1)

At the same time that Chao Wushu set off to attack, Chanyu, who was in the King's tent, also moved.

However, he did not bring anyone with him. He even dismissed his personal guards. Alone, he held a seemingly ordinary iron sword and walked towards Yunshu County.

"The key attack to break through Yunshu County should be personally made by me." Huyan Chanyu looked at Yunshu County in the south and was rather excited.

28 years ago, his father was defeated by the Great Jin's North Suppression General, Chen Pengju, in Yunshu County. He fled to the grasslands in defeat, but in the end, he was beheaded by the chief because he lost a strategic pass like Yunshu County.

He was only nine years old then.

Although he had already killed his predecessor, the previous Chanyu, to avenge his father, Yunshu County was still a sore point in his heart.

The memory of escaping from Yunshu County in a panic back then was deeply imprinted in his mind.