Hongwu Divine Sword (2)

All of this had to be considered carefully.

However, when Chao Wushu led the army to the front of Yunshu County City, he was stunned on the spot.

That was because the city gate was actually open!

About 7,000 to 8,000 soldiers stood unarmed outside the city in front of them. The person leading them was also an unarmed man.

"What's going on? Is this a trap?" Chao Wushu frowned. He was puzzled and even a little confused.

Facing such a strange situation, he did not act rashly.

However, Hui Shi, who was standing in front of Yunshu City's gate, had already pointed at the other side and started cursing, "Is that Chao Wushu? Hurry up and kneel down and beg for mercy. If you kill yourself now to apologize, this Grandpa can still leave your corpse intact!"

He was quite excited now.

This was because he was bringing 8,000 Grandmasters out of the city to fight!

Since ancient times, who had led an army of 8,000 Grandmasters?