Those Who Humiliate Me Shall Die

Great Jin Imperial Palace.

Today was not the day of the court assembly. Moreover, because the sacrificial ceremony to welcome the Immortals and Gods of the Upper World had just been held yesterday, the courtiers had all received a blessing and were not in the palace.

The entire palace seemed a little empty.

However, Prime Minister Chu Yuanliang did not return home to rest.

After seeing that White Tiger Child's golden carriage had left the palace, he came to the palace of Emperor Wei Yi, and bowed respectfully. "I, Chu Yuanliang, request to see Your Majesty!"

"Prime Minister, why are you here? Come in." Wei Yi's slightly lazy voice came from inside, as if he had just woken up.

"Thank you, Your Majesty." Chu Yuanliang stood up and walked into the bedroom. After passing through the hall, he saw Wei Yi lying behind the screen and said respectfully, "Your Majesty, are you planning to kill that White Tiger Child?"