Fengzhou's State Overseer Cui Heng Deserves Death!

The ministers were furious, but Wei Yi did not seem to care.

He was still kneeling on the ground with a humble and respectful attitude. He lowered his head and said, "Exalted Immortal, I have worked hard to rule and tried to promote peace. However, there are many selfish people in this world, not counting the number of people who have proclaimed themselves as kings.

There are even people who command armies and dominate the world with their own strength. They ignore the laws and govern themselves, causing the country to become lawless. The people's livelihood is difficult, and the country's strength is weakening day by day. It's really not this little emperor's fault."

Wei Yi's words directly portrayed himself as a depressed king. At the same time, he removed the responsibility of the weakening of the country from himself.