Plague Sect's Lu Qingzhu? Daoyi Sect's Lin Qingzhu!

"Master has sent someone!"

Pei Qingshu immediately recognized Hui Shi's voice. The despair in his heart was swept away and he became filled with hope.

In his opinion, as long as his Master took action, even if he only sent someone over or cast a spell from afar, he could instantly resolve all problems.

Li Mingcheng heaved a sigh of relief when he saw this. He knew that he was saved.

As for the white-robed woman who floated up from the tomb, she seemed to have felt some fatal threat and let out an extremely miserable scream again.

"Ah! No! No!! I'm not guilty!!"


Under the echoes of this scream, the surrounding ground and mountains seemed to have turned into flowing water. They actually surged violently and turned the world upside down in the blink of an eye.


Hui Shi's eyes widened, and the talisman in his hand immediately erupted with endless bright golden divine light.