
Lin Qingzhu?

Cui Heng frowned when he heard this name. He thought of the scene he had seen in the Juntian Palace on the Dark Sea Star.

It was a shrine filled with memorial tablets.

One of the memorial tablets said "Tomb of my beloved wife, Lin Qingzhu".

Was this Zhou Juntian's wife from the Daoyi Sect?

Why was she in the Heaven Realm?

Tang Quan and Xu Shi were also stunned.

Wasn't this the Paragon of the Plague Sect of the ancient Heavenly Court?

How did she become the so-called Daoyi Sect's Lin Qingzhu?

What kind of force was the Daoyi Sect?

At this moment, the woman in white who called herself Lin Qingzhu fell into a nearly crazy state again.

She grabbed her hair and rubbed it randomly. Suddenly, she stood up, and dense grayish-black smoke rose from her entire body again. She was about to soar into the sky, as if she wanted to escape and leave this place.