The Strange Movement in the Boundless Chaos Sea, The Sun on the River of Time

Emperor Wu's meaningful expression puzzled Yan Qing.

However, in his opinion, since his Master had already made plans, there was no need to continue asking about this. Hence, he asked, "Master, are there any changes in the core universes in the middle of the Boundless Chaos Sea?"

"Oh?" Emperor Wu laughed when he heard that and asked Yan Qing, "Where did you get the news?"

"I obtained it from a martial artist from the Lower World," Yan Qing replied. "Previously, the Emperor Mu sent me to the Chaos Sea to kill a martial artist at the Peak Taiyi Realm. I found relevant information in that martial artist's memories."

Although he was a disciple of Emperor Wu, he was not under the command of the Taiwu Mountain. Instead, he was working for another Quasi Immortal Emperor, the Emperor Mu, in the adjacent area of the Taiwu Mountain.