The Strange Movement in the Boundless Chaos Sea, The Sun on the River of Time (2)

"As long as a Quasi Immortal Emperor or Heaven's Will who has grasped the power of Heaven Heart Light takes action, they will definitely not be able to escape the surveillance of the Lost Water Treasure Mirror. At that time, it will be obvious if the laws of the Boundless Chaos Sea have weakened." "Master is far-sighted." Yan Qing cupped his hands and smiled. "Junior Brother Feng also has an important mission this time."

"When he returns, I'll reward him well." Emperor Wu smiled.

While the two of them were discussing happily, they had no idea that Feng Sheng had already fallen to the Dao Heaven Realm, from an Invincible Immortal King to an ordinary Immortal Monarch.

… .

In fact, just as Emperor Wu and Yan Qing were about to monitor the changes in the laws and River of Time in the Boundless Chaos Sea, Cui Heng had already begun to pry into Feng Sheng's past.