Stone Room Mystic Realm!

In less than a moment, Xing Feng's iron fist had already pierced through countless miles of the mountain, carving out a tunnel that could accommodate two people.

After a few more punches, the end of the tunnel suddenly opened up, revealing a stone room hidden in the body of the mountain.

Gong Ziliang raised his head and shockingly discovered that the ground and walls of the stone room were actually covered in spirit crystal jade essence.

A warm light emitted from the jade essence, illuminating the stone room.

The dense spiritual qi formed a milky white fog that surged continuously. Gong Ziliang circulated his vision and could only see a few feet away in the stone room.

Further in was a boundless spiritual fog.

Had he arrived in the Immortal World?

A trace of ecstasy flashed in Gong Ziliang's eyes. He hurriedly spread his spiritual sense and discovered that the spiritual qi was so pure that it did not contain any impurities.