You Woke Me Up and Want to Leave?

The more he walked in, the denser the spiritual qi in the air became.

In less than a moment, Gong Ziliang's clothes were already wet by the spiritual qi in the spiritual fog.

His pores opened involuntarily as he greedily absorbed the spiritual qi.

However, after the spiritual qi circulated in Gong Ziliang's meridians, it flowed out of his pores.

Regarding this situation, Gong Ziliang had no choice but to ignore it and continue walking into the depths of the stone room.

15 minutes.

Half an hour.

45 minutes.

After walking for almost two hours, Gong Ziliang still did not reach the end of the stone room.

Around him, spiritual qi had already turned into a spiritual tide that washed his entire body.

Although it could not increase his realm, it was continuously nourishing his body.

After stopping for a moment, Gong Ziliang was about to continue walking.


A cough suddenly sounded in his ears.