I Won't Let You Go Even If I Become a Ghost!

In the coffin.

A middle-aged figure who looked very similar to the current Great Xia Emperor suddenly opened his eyes.

Beside him, a long saber with a sword hilt in the shape of a Dragon Sparrow emitted a shocking aura.

It was the divine artifact of the Great Xia Empire: Great Xia Dragon Sparrow Saber!

Holding the hilt, Xia Qi's aura rose to another level.

The coffin made of black gold was directly crushed into powder.

"Who is disturbing me…"

A voice that had traveled for a thousand years sounded in his mouth.

However, in the next moment, he seemed to have sensed something.

He threw the Dragon Sparrow Saber away and lay on the ground, closing his eyes and pretending to be dead.

In the Bai Family's ancestral land.

The divine son behind Bai Niansheng moved his gaze away and swept into the distance.

Great Yin Empire, Nine Li Empire, Immortal Qin Empire, and Big Dipper Empire.