All Living Beings in the World Have Providence on Them

As long as he was not unlucky enough to encounter the Heaven Deity Realm Altar Master of the Demon Cult, Gong Ziliang was confident that he could deceive even another Demon Envoy at the Spiritual Sea Realm.

He placed the jade bottle into the storage bag he had obtained from Mo Wentian. Gong Ziliang had already checked it.

Apart from a large number of spirit crystals, there were only a few useless demonic artifacts and some martial techniques and cultivation techniques that only Demon Cult disciples could cultivate.

After counting the spoils, Gong Ziliang suddenly recalled something and looked up at Lin Anruo.

He circulated the Qi Observation Technique and injected the power of his soul into his eyes. Two scorching divine lights immediately erupted from his eyes.

Under the light of the divine light, a golden mark that only Gong Ziliang could see appeared three feet above Lin Anruo's head.