Chapter 012 The Gap Between You and My Son-in-law!

Sun Dongjing pointed to Su Yu, who was standing alone in the distance, and said, "Did you see that hanging silk? It's him, he is Shen Chuyun's ex-husband!"

"This man has no abilities, and his mouth is very good."

"That's it, he still pays.

I am so embarrassed to take the initiative to ask for a divorce!" "You help me find a way to make him unable to get off the stage, face scandal, it is best to leave consciously!"

Sun Qingmei said, "I have no grievances with him--"

Sun Dongjing Begged: "Sister, you are just me! You have no grievances with him, but he has hatreds with me! I like Shen Chuyun, I want to humiliate Shen Chuyun!"

Sun Qingmei looked embarrassed. "Today is Mr. Shen's 60th birthday. Now that he was called, you embarrassed him. Isn't that embarrassing the Shen family——"

"Sister!" Sun Dongjing said in a loud voice, "Are you still my elder sister? Why? Always talking to others! I don't usually beg you? Now I want to behave in front of a woman I like, and you won't help me!"

Xiao Junru on the side also said, "Mei Mei, why are you doing this? Your brother is such an obedient person. You can rarely help him once when he asks for it?"

"Besides, this man has no vision and pattern. Otherwise, how could a woman like Shen Chuyun leave? Hat, you have to keep the marriage contract with her!"

Sun Qingmei glanced at Xiao Junru.

Xiao Junru said hurriedly: "I just said him! This man hasn't heard of him before. At first glance, he is not a rich and powerful person. After all, he approached Shen Chuyun, he still doesn't cherish it?"

Sun Qingmei glanced at the person beside him. Sun Dongjing took a deep breath and said, "Okay! Just this time, if you encounter this kind of thing in the future, if you find me again, don't call my sister!"

Sun Dongjing smiled and said: "You are my sister! Sister, don't worry, I like Shen Chuyun! This time I succeeded, and I have been with Shen Chuyun. I am grateful!"

Sun Qing's eyebrows rolled his eyes and said, "Don't. I don't need your thanks! As long as you don't bother me, I will be thankful!" The

the group came to the young men and women together.

Sun Dongjing hurriedly got close to Shen Chuyun.

Sunlight eyebrows and all the young men and women to know each other a lot, not far from the eyes of passing a man standing at the distant daze Su Okimichi: "? Shen Father sixtieth birthday, I do not know what we are prepared to present"

The young woman said: "I prepared two Tianshan snow lotus! I heard that Mr. Shen had been on the battlefield in his early years, and his joints were left with stubborn illnesses, and many methods could not be cured. I asked the old experts at the People's Hospital for this Tianshan snow lotus. Said it has a miraculous effect on alleviating this kind of stubborn disease."

A horse-faced young man smiled: "Don't you like Old Man Shen very much copying copybooks? I'm here to bring the "Patio Spring" that my grandfather collected. Haha, my grandfather. The meat hurts at the time! However, I was so soft and soaked, so I was forced to come over."


Sun Qingmei nodded with a smile frequently.

It seems that after listening to everyone's words, she looked at Su Yu not far away with a curious look: "This gentleman, what about you? By the way, I don't know who you are yet! What gift have you prepared? Can you tell me? Come out and refer to it together."

Shen Chuyun's pretty face suddenly became cold, and he was about to stop Sun Qingmei.

Wang Xue hurriedly covered her mouth, suppressing her voice, and said, "Forget it! Rich lady, everyone wants to take a breath for you, so just watch it! And, if you export now, don't you just protect him? In his eyes, are you

trying to please him?" Shen Chuyun immediately suppressed his anger and looked at Wang Xue suspiciously.

Wang Xue nodded and said, "I must think so anyway!"

Chen Ling glanced at Wang Xue and sighed secretly.

This fool Su Yu.

Both divorced Shen Chuyun, and dare to come to participate in Father Shen's 60th birthday, don't you want to smoke?

No, here comes it!

I don't have any abilities, I can't get on the table, I can't stop it.

Not to mention that he is still Shen Chuyun's best friend, and it is even more impossible to do so.

When other people saw Sun Qingmei's question, they all reacted and looked at Su Yu jokingly one by one.

Sun Dongjing mocked: "This person? Sister, but the old man Shen Jingui's uncle! I haven't heard of what he has done. Isn't he eating soft food at home?"

Su Yu glanced at Sun Dongjing and chuckled lightly. With a cry, he ignored him, but looked at Sun Qingmei and said, "Su Yu."

Sun Qingmei asked, "What gift did you bring with you this time? Old man Shen is the richest man in Wucheng, and he doesn't even see ordinary gifts. Come on, I'm worried! Can you tell me about your gift, so I can refer to it?"

Su Yu let out a loud voice.

refer to?

Didn't you bring a gift and come empty-handed?

Isn't this just to make it clear that you want to cooperate with your stinky brother, and want to embarrass me?

That being the case, I will cooperate with you to perform.

Thinking of this, Su Yu turned around, turned his back to the people, and then took out a Yannian fruit from the storage ring and handed it to Sun Qingmei: "This is my gift, I picked it up on the mountain."

Sun Qing The eyebrows took over Yannianguo, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

This person may be seriously ill!

On the 60th birthday of Mr. Shen, the richest man in Wucheng, he went to the mountains to pick such a fruit!

After hearing Su Yu's words, other people looked at them one by one.

When they saw the yellow fruits the size of the thumb in Sun Qingmei's hand, they all burst into laughter.

"Fruit picked from the mountain!"

"Fucking, awesome! Mr. Shen's 60th birthday, he sent a fruit picked at hand from the mountain!"


"Anecdote of the world!"

Chen Ling looked sad. Looking at Su Yu.

This brain circuit!

I thought he had become interesting just now.

Who knows it's a surprise now!

Shen Chuyun was so angry that his lips were trembling, and his face was so gloomy that water could drip out.

However, in a blink of an eye.

The man with this kind of virtue has been misguided before.

It's good to leave like this.

Fortunately, he is still full of confidence.

Sun Dongjing clapped his legs beside Shen Chuyun and laughed.

At Sun Qingmei's side, Xiao Junru also smiled so that his face was distorted.

That's it?

That's it!

Such stupid forks and hanging silks, also need eyebrow shots?

Brother Meimei, his brain is not so good either!

This kind of hanging wire can't be done!

Sun Qingmei glanced at the fruit in his hand, then glanced at Su Yu, seeing that his expression was calm, there was no wave in his eyes as if he was looking at the air, and he muttered in his heart.

Is there a problem with this fruit?

I don't know this man, but Mr. Shen can agree with this man as a son-in-law. How could this man's IQ be so low?

I was about to ask, and at this moment, an extended trolley drove up from the entrance of the manor.

The young men and women suddenly stopped laughing.

The trolley stopped at the entrance of the manor.

Several figures got out of the car.

The young men and women greeted them one after another.

"Mr. Shen is here!"

" Mr. Shen is here!"

"Mr. Shen is the same, he looks like my father, he is not sixty years old at all!"

Su Yu also walked over.

Several figures also came over.

Walking in the forefront is a middle-aged man wearing a tunic suit, tall, but looking red.

The richest man in Wucheng——Shen Cong!

Behind Shen Cong are several elderly people who also wear Chinese tunic suits.

Some have frosty white hair and creases on their faces.

Someone crouched, leaning on crutches.

Shen Cong walked over with a smile while talking to a few old people.

Seeing all the young men and women, Shen Cong said: "The dolls are here! Why are you alone?"

Sun Dongjing went up hurriedly, smiling all over his face: "We are riding horses. My father and the others don't want to play, so they are drinking tea and chatting in the living room!"

Shen Cong nodded and said: "Then let's go in too!"

Sweeping his eyes across everyone, Shen Cong noticed Su Yu who was walking at the back, nodded, and then said to the old people behind him: "We're going inside. ."

Sun Dongjing glanced at the fruit that Sun Qingmei was still holding, and at the back of Su Yu gloomily, grabbed the fruit from Sun Qingmei's hand and handed it to Shen Cong, "Mr. Shen, you Can you recognize what kind of fruit this is?"

Shen Cong took the fruit, looked at it, shook his head, and said to Shen Cong with a smile: "It's a bit like a cherry tree, but it's not like it. Do you like to eat this thing? It's in my manor."

Sun Dongjing said, "Su Yu picked this from the mountain and said it was a gift for you."

The young men and women looked away.


They seem to see the scene of Shen Cong getting angry!

When Shen Chuyun saw this, he hurriedly said, "Dad, I was talking for fun."

Su Yu, who had not spoken, said nonchalantly: "This is not for fun. This fruit is called Yannianguo, and I climbed to the western attitude. Found from the top of the mountain on the Yunzang Plateau at a height of 5,000 meters. According to the local old man, this Yannian fruit bears one fruit at a time. Eating it can relieve fatigue and make people radiant."

Everyone: "... ..."

Next to Sun Qingmei, Xiao Junru sneered and said, "You can't treat others as a fool? I go to the supermarket to buy a large basket of such fruits! Holding a fruit picked from the mountain, it's too bad. !"

A young woman raised her mobile phone and pointed the screen at Shen Cong and said, "Grandpa Shen, I searched on the Internet, and there is nothing! Now the Internet is so developed, some things are not available on the Internet, haha."

Shen Chuyun's chest was ups and downs violently, moving towards Su Yu roared: "You are endless!"

Sun Dongjing said in a comforting expression: "Yunyun, this kind of person is just hanging silk! What can he do without you? This time, Mr. Shen is 60 years old. he had no money to keep up with gifts, but also the face, it was an attempt to trickery, in the mountains just picked fruit as longevity treasures to boast. Oh, this is just intelligence, anxious to catch a little oh! " "

estimate, even a child will not I did this."

"If it's me, I have to find a truly rare fruit!"

Su Yu smiled and said to Shen Cong, "Dad, you will know by tasting it."

Shen Cong squeezed out a smile at the young people. The man and woman smiled and said, "It's okay, just feel like it."

Looking at Su Yu again, "I'm interested."

With that, he put the Yannian fruit in his mouth and chewed.

Shen Cong was about to explode in his heart.

He regrets it to death!

His daughter had been married for three years. In order not to arouse his daughter's disgust, he dared not ask about his daughter's condition for three years.

Who knows that her daughter and this man have no feelings at all, just as a cool person!

If he knew his daughter was planning this way, he stopped it!

Yesterday, after watching the video on the news, he confirmed that his daughter still has feelings for this man.

Therefore, he is going to take advantage of today's 60-year-old birthday banquet to bring his daughter and this man together and have a good talk with them.

Regardless of the original purpose, now that the two of them have gone through three years and have feelings again, they will start again.

However, he never thought that this man would do such a thing!

I went to the mountain to pick such a small fruit on my 60th birthday!

In front of my old comrades, I have to say what it is that this is a fairy fruit that only came down from a five-kilometer high mountain!

Shen Cong took a few deep breaths.

If it wasn't for an outsider, he slapped it down and let him go!

Think about Shen Cong, the richest man in the foggy city!

Think of my daughter, Shen Chuyun, who is as beautiful as a flower, talented, young, and promising!

Married to such a brain can thing for three years!

Also divorced!

He has a feeling of spinning around!


What did Shen Cong do wrong? To torture me like this!


In Shen Cong's heart, it was an asteroid hitting the earth!

Suddenly, his footsteps stopped.

The fruit chewed in the mouth was swallowed into the throat, as if a warm breath flowed slowly towards the body.

This feeling is very comfortable!

He has a feeling.

It seems that the pores all over the body are open.

Every cell was jumping for joy and excitement.

When everyone saw Shen Cong stop, they all looked at the scene one by one.

Shen Chuyun on the side said with a look of self-blame and guilt: "Dad, it's all my fault. I blindly found a man like this."

Sun Dongjing hurriedly said, "What does this have to do with you? This hanging silk--"

Before Sun Dongjing's words were finished, Shen Cong looked at Su Yu and said with a smile: "Do you still have this fruit?"

Su Yu shook his right hand and took out another Yannian fruit: "Originally three! This fruit turned out to be too difficult. I found three after a long time. When I went down the mountain, I tried one and the effect was good. I will leave these two for your old man."

Shen Cong smiled. With a full face: "I want to take this fruit to the R&D department to study it. There is no problem, right?"

Su Yu said: "It was originally given to you dad, but now it is yours. How do you want to deal with it, that is right. "

Shen Cong sighed, and looked at Shen Chuyun, who was skeptical by his side: "Look at you, you have been biased against him from the very beginning! Others do not know, so forget him, after all, they don't understand. He. However, you are his woman and his wife. You don't even know him and misunderstand him. After this banquet, you will reflect on me!"

Sun Dongjing hurriedly said, "Mr. Shen, such a person is not worth it at all. You save face and speak for him! What effect can a fruit plucked from the mountain have? This will make everyone see a joke!"

Xiao Junru also said: "Yes, such an ordinary fruit is not worthy of Mr. Shen's doing this!"

Shen Cong's face went straight down and said: "What? I'm Shen Cong doing things, and I still need your juniors to point out? I, Shen Cong, have always been honest and trustworthy all my life, who doesn't know? Today is a horror of the world, and I have to blame the deer to protect my son-in-law!"

Sun Qingmei hurriedly said, "Father Shen, we didn't mean that. , We are just worried—"

Shen Cong stretched out his hand, interrupted Sun Qingmei hard, and coldly scanned all the young men and women and said: "I know that you are not convinced that my son-in-law can marry my daughter. I knew little about it before. , I don't know. But today I know." The

line of sight fell on Sun Dongjing, and Shen Cong said blankly: "Do you know where the gap between you and my son-in-law is? That is, my son-in-law does things low-key and doesn't talk to fools. Compete for strengths and weaknesses! You are shallow, but you have never self-knowledge, and you have pulled others to the same IQ level without investigation!"