Chapter 13 Lost madam and broke down?

Sun Dongjing was shocked by Shen Cong, his face was so pale that there was no trace of blood.

Sun Qingmei sighed lightly.

Sure enough, there was a problem with that fruit.

Shen Cong's son-in-law, how could it be a waste of nothing?

Moreover, Shen Cong seems to be very supportive of this son-in-law?

Enemy with him is ultimately unfavorable.

Your stupid brother, to offend someone for a woman who didn't put her mind on you at all, is simply a bag in the brain!

Thinking of this, Sun Qingmei quickened his pace and caught up with Su Yu: "Sorry, my brother was a little bit reckless. But we didn't mean anything else. Probably, it's what Mr. Shen said that he has eyes but no beads, and he doesn't know how to learn!"

Su Yu glanced at Sun Qingmei lightly and said, "Don't worry, I won't have the same knowledge as you."

Sun Qingmei: "..."

You are welcome!

After taking a deep breath, Sun Qingmei smiled and said, "Yes! Your lord does not remember the villain, thank you!"

Xiao Junru felt a little uncomfortable when he saw that Sun Qingmei took the initiative to strike up a conversation with Su Yu.

Walking up quickly, he heard Sun Qingmei's dog-licking reply again.

His heart was suddenly suppressed with anger.

Following Sun Qingmei, Xiao Junru said, "Meimei, there is no need to apologize at all! What does your brother's matter have to do with you? You—"

Sun Qingmei said with a solemn face: "You can shut up!"

After speaking, Su Yu smiled and said, "By the way, I don't know if Mr. Su has any interests or hobbies? It's a rare bond today. Go to my car club to try?"

Su Yu said lightly: "Let's talk about it if you have a chance!"

Xiao Junru looked at Su Yu with a cold face, but Sun Qingmei was pleased with an expression of anger in his heart!

This woman is so cheap!

She chased her like this, she refused to agree!

Now that she hasn't divorced yet, what is she going to do with her face!

Next to Shen Chuyun, Wang Xue saw that Sun Qingmei followed Su Yu's steps, with a flattering expression, and whispered to Shen Chuyun: "You said, Su Yu, will cheat? Look at Sun Qingmei's attitude towards him. It's like licking a dog!"

Shen Chuyun said coldly: "It doesn't matter! I have figured it out, why should I, Shen Chuyun, be sad for such a man who has nothing to do? I will get the divorce certificate tomorrow. Which woman does he like to hook up with, that's all his What does it matter to me?"

Wang Xue nodded, then echoed: "That's right!"

The group followed Shen Cong into the lobby of a luxurious villa in the manor.

The hall is full of people!

At a glance, it was all the big brothers of Wucheng.

The crowd dispersed, looking for their elders.

Su Yu was about to find a corner to stay.

But Shen Cong said, "You and Yunyun are following me, and I will show you some people who will need it in the future."

Su Yu looked at Shen Cong in surprise.

Shen Chuyun said in a huff: "No need! Dad, we will be divorced tomorrow. He has nothing to do with you, so it's okay to treat him this way!"

Shen Cong frowned and said, "Yunyun, how did I teach you before? Outside, as a woman, you have to give you a man's face!"

Shen Chuyun said with a sullen face: "He is no longer my man! If it weren't for your birthday today, he and I would have already received a divorce certificate from the Mining Needle!"

Shen Cong said: "You are in anger now! There are some things, don't say any more, or you will regret it!"

He looked at Su Yu and said, "Other things, wait until my birthday. Now I will take you—"

"Enough!" Shen Chuyun yelled in a suppressed voice, "Dad, people have insisted on a divorce, and I am not that nobody wants it. You can't please him in a low voice!"

Shen Chuyun looked at Su Yu and said, "After the divorce, I wish you a better career and beauty!"

Su Yu smiled and said, "Thank you!"

Shen Chuyun glared at Su Yu, his chest undulating violently.

She was furious in her heart.

This man thought that which woman he found would be better than following himself?

She wanted to adjust the time to the point where he was abandoned by that woman and then wept bitterly!

Seeing Shen Chuyun's appearance, Shen Cong rubbed his eyebrows.

Originally, he wanted to use this 60th birthday to mediate the conflict between the two.

Marriage is not easy, do it and cherish it!

Who knows, my daughter has such a bad temper.

Shen Cong could only pull Shen Chuyun to the other side.

Su Yu walked to the corner.

In the hall, the atmosphere returned to normal after a while.

Next, the host of ceremonies gave Shen Cong a birthday, cut the cake, and then performed the show.

Su Yu sat in the corner alone, eating quietly.

A figure came over, but it was Sun Qingmei.

Sun Qingmei raised his glass to him and said, "I think that Shen Chuyun's appearance seems to be just angry, not wanting to divorce you. Father Shen, it seems that he supports you two too. Man, lower your figure and please yourself, Wife, don't be ashamed."

Su Yu smiled and said, "No. Such a high-cold lady is not a living person."

Sun Qingmei looked at Su Yu with some surprise: "No one is perfect! Although Shen Chuyun has a cold temper, he is impeccable in other aspects. For many men, he can marry him. Go to her, it is smoke from the ancestral tomb."

Su Yu said: "That's someone else, I don't need it."

Sun Qingmei asked, "Do you have other women in your heart?"

Su Yu said honestly: "No."

Sun Qingmei took a serious look at Su Yu.

She studied psychology in college and has a good understanding of what she says.

The man in front of him seemed to be telling the truth.

In the absence of Xinhua, this man dared to divorce such a superb woman Shen Chuyun.

This man is not easy!

Sun Qingmei stretched out his hand and said, "How about being a friend?"

Su Yu shook Sun Qingmei's hand and continued to eat.

In the distance, Xiao Junru was standing and chatting with Sun Dongjing and Sun Dongjing's father, Sun Hai.

After chasing Sun Qingmei for so long without success, and finally had a chance to see her father, then he went to save the country, starting with her father, younger brother, and other family members.

While talking with Sun Hai, Sun Dongjing suddenly pointed to the corner and said: "Dad, look at my sister, what is she doing, actually sitting with that hanging silk!"

Sun Dongjing is also angry now!

What is sister doing!

Let her help humiliate that hanging silk!

It's alright now, it doesn't matter if I didn't help to humiliate that hanging silk, I even flirted with him!

Xiao Junru also looked over.

Seeing Sun Qingmei sitting next to Su Yu, covering his mouth and smiling while saying something, he felt that his heart was about to be stabbed with a knife.

This bitch!

This bitch! !!

Glancing at Sun Dongjing and seeing Sun Dongjing with an angry face, Xiao Junru smiled and said to Sun Hai: "Uncle Sun, this Su Yu is fighting with Shen Chuyun so stiff now, it is better not to get too close with him. Although Mr. Shen is now It seems to be toward him, but after the divorce, Mr. Shen will undoubtedly be toward his daughter."

"After all, blood dissolves in water."

"At that time, Mr. Shen will probably have grievances against him."

"Meimei has a good relationship with him now, I'm afraid he will be implicated in time."

Sun Hai squinted his eyes and said, "I will talk to Meimei afterward. She has always been so assertive and will not aimlessly."

Xiao Junru hit a wall, and his anger instantly burned.

Taking a deep look at Sun Qingmei in the distance, Xiao Junru said to Sun Dong Jing: "Brother, come here, I have something good for you!"