Chapter 015 I still choose to divorce!

Sun Hai also continued to ask Su Yu to change Sun Dongjing back.

Sun Qingmei pulled down his sleeves and said, "Dad, let's do this first! Under the public, if there is something wrong with my brother, he will not escape responsibility even if he hides at the end of the world."

"And, I talked to him, he doesn't look like that kind of villain."

"At most, it may be a lesson to the younger brother."

"My brother has lost his mind for Shen Chuyun's girl, and someone should bring him down."

"Shen Chuyun is indeed good, but our family can't afford such a person."

Sun Hai glanced at Sun Qingmei before nodding.

The orchid flower rain performed by Su Yu shocked many people.

Especially those young women, among them the daring ones, went straight up to talk to Su Yu.

Shen Chuyun stood behind Shen Cong and looked at those women with bright smiles, biting his lips, as if flames were about to be expelled from his eyes.

The scene just now was so stunning.

Even she was a little shocked.

However, the two are about to divorce.

Thinking of the past three years, since he had been married to this man, it seemed that he really didn't know anything about him, and Shen Chuyun suddenly felt a little regret in his heart.

Shen Cong on the side also recovered.

He glanced at Shen Chuyun behind him and saw that Shen Chuyun's gaze had been staring at Su Yu who was surrounded by young women in the distance, and Shen Cong's heart was shaken.


There is a chance now!

My dear daughter, after all, still moved Fanxin!

That cheap son-in-law does have some talent.

In the past three years, my career mad daughter has never given others a chance.

Now, I finally know he is fine.

A smile appeared on Shen Cong's face.

Let them have a good talk later.

Let your suspicion go away, or you can hug your grandson soon!

Shen Cong's 60th birthday party finally ended.

Shen Cong left a few old comrades-in-arms to stay and sent away the guests. This was how Su Yu, who was about to stay and was about to leave, said, "My son-in-law, come here!"

Looking at Shen Chuyun who was standing with Wang Xue and Chen Ling again, he said, "You come here too."

A group of people sat on the sofa in the living room, and Shen Cong asked the servants of the family to take a few old comrades to the bath, and then he poured the hot tea himself and pushed them in front of Su Yu.

Shen Cong smiled and said to Wang Xue and Chen Ling: "You all seem to be Yunyun and my son-in-law's college classmates."

Wang Xue smiled every day: "Uncle, yes, I was a roommate with the rich woman in college."

Chen Ling said: "Su Yu and I are classmates, and Yunyun and I belong to the same society."

Shen Cong said: "What do you think about the contradiction between Yunyun and my son-in-law this time?"

Wang Xue and Chen Ling looked at each other.

Wang Xue was about to speak, and Chen Ling motioned to her to let herself say. Only then did she look at Su Yu who was staring at the hot tea. She folded her shoulders and looked away. Frosty Shen Chuyun said, "Actually, there is no principle between them. The contradiction of sex."

"I think both of them are at fault."

"But they didn't make mistakes deliberately."

Looking at Shen Chuyun, Chen Ling said, "Yun Yun is too career crazy. After three years of marriage, he didn't spend much time with Su Yu. This year, I heard that I didn't meet Su Yu."

Shen Chuyun just looked over and said anxiously: "I'm very busy! With so many things in the company, I can't stay with him like a little girl, right?"

Chen Ling said: "No matter how busy you are, you have to spend time with him! You are a husband and wife! Why do you say you make so much money? Isn't it for the future of the two? You are now focusing all your energy on your career and don't care about him at all. It's just because it's a tree to ask for a fish, it's not stupid!"

Shen Chuyun still has to quibble.

Chen Ling interrupted her and said, "Don't rush to quibble! On the night of the wedding, everyone made a mess in the bridal chamber, and you left him alone. To be honest, anyone by me would be angry now when I think about it, let alone a man. "

Shen Chuyun lowered his head.

Shen Cong nodded and said with a calm face: "Yunyun, your friend did a good analysis! You made the mistake first!"

Chen Ling looked at Su Yu again and said, "So are you. If she is busy with her, wouldn't you take the initiative to look for her? Even if she shows your face, but she can kill you or not? Go up and hug her, hug her, and kiss her Yes! She is your wife. Isn't it right for you to do these things? Even if the police come, you can be upright!"

"No matter how cold and cold, Yunyun will ignore you. After all, she is a woman."

"She is so good-looking, so talented, so outstanding. She is a schoolgirl in school, and she is a national goddess after she is out of society."

"Such a good wife, what's wrong with her temper? It's me, I'm floating! But in the past three years, she has never had a scandal with any man, right? This is loyalty! You are a big man, you are so loyal to Is it difficult for a goddess-level wife to put down some figure?"

"This is your fault!"

"You are so embarrassed to ask for a divorce!"

"Of course, your mistake is not unforgivable!"

"Moreover, you do have grievances."

Looking at Shen Chuyun, Chen Ling said: "You are wrong first, don't say anything about having a temper. Now at home, in front of your father, in front of your husband, you are a daughter and a married woman. You apologize first. , Tell Su Yu that you will make changes in the future, let him accompany you to make changes, have the same room tonight, and give birth to a baby this time next year!"

"What a big deal, look at this trouble!"

Shen Chuyun glanced at Su Yu secretly, his face flushed with bleeding.

Shen Cong urged: "Your friend is right! Yunyun, apologize and show your attitude! I will tell you now that I will meet red tonight. At this time next year, if you two don't give me your grandson, you will Don't come into my house!"

Shen Chuyun took a few deep breaths, raised his head, looked at Su Yu, his entire face, even his neck, was burning red.

Holding the corners of the clothes tightly with both hands, Shen Chuyun trembled: "I, I--"

Su Yu suddenly put down his teacup and looked up at Shen Chuyun and said, "Don't worry about it. I don't think either of us is at fault. From the beginning, you Shen Chuyun just wanted to use me to block the man who chased you. And I, During that time, I was indeed short of money, so I married you."

"After all, we just get what we need."

"In the beginning, there were no feelings, and each other was a tool person. Therefore, it is normal for you to have no close contact with me in the past three years. Especially in the last year, I don't think there is any problem."

"It's just that I can change the status quo, and this marriage of mutual use should come to an end."

"You are still the high cold goddess, but not the woman I want to live by."

"I'm not the man who makes you think about it, that can make you lay down your career and become a woman who is a little girl. It is only torturing if you are wronged and forced to continue with me."

"Moreover, the country is easy to change and its nature is hard to change."

"I don't think you will change your temper for me."

"I don't have time to waste time with you."

After giving a salute to Shen Cong, Su Yu said, "Finally call you Dad! Don't tell me what happened before, you took care of my son-in-law today, thank you. In the future, if I have time, if you don't drive me away, I will come and visit. Your old man's."

After speaking, he turned and walked out of the hall.

"Su Yu!!!" a shrill scream.

Shen Chuyun stood up, tears surging like a flood that burst a bank, and made his debut: "You are too much! You are too much!!! Three years, you won't even give you any affection! I promise, if you step out of this door, Even if you kneel on the ground and beg me in the future, I will never forgive you!"

Su Yu stopped and turned around and said, "Sorry, you don't know who I am. First, even if I am a beggar, I won't go back. Second, I don't think you will live better than me. Compared to a high-cold, white, rich, and beautiful president like you, I prefer to be with some down-to-earth, plain-looking women. Goodbye! Never see you again!"