Chapter 016 Excellent Skills: Looking Back in Time for Half an Hour!

Su Yu walked a long way before he came back to his senses.

See you again?

I have to meet her at the Civil Affairs Bureau tomorrow!

As soon as I walked to the entrance of the manor, I saw a girl coming in a small car.

Su Yu sat in the driver's seat and drove directly to the river.

It was getting dark.

Su Yu parked the car on the dam, jumped off the dam, came to the edge of the river, and got Sun Dongjing out of the space ring.

Sun Dongjing slumped on the ground with a look of despair and collapse.

He didn't believe that Su Yu could change him away.

What he didn't expect was that with his "yes" exit, his whole person appeared strangely in a square building!

The surroundings are like walls, but there is not a window, a door!

It seemed like a tomb.

Thinking of starving to death and suffocating to death in such a space, he collapsed on the spot.

He kept beating around, begging for help.

But no one responded.

This continued for two hours, and he was directly desperate and collapsed, and sat slumped on the ground.

After staring blankly at the lights on the opposite side of the river for a long time, Sun Dongjing suddenly recovered and was ecstatic.

However, the next moment, he found that a person was standing beside him.

Open your eyes and look carefully.

When he saw Su Yu, he screamed directly, using his hands and feet together, almost madly running away.

Su Yu watched Sun Dongjing disappear into the night, and let out a groan.

He originally planned to give this rich second generation a fat beating, but he didn't expect that the other party would look like this as soon as he came out.

have to.

Lucky for him!

Next time he dares to fight against himself, give him a bit more cruelty!

He drove the car and received a text message from the fat man before returning to his residence.

It is a financial statement.

Su Yu chuckled lightly, sent a "received", and ignored it.

When I got home, took a shower, and was about to go to bed, the phone rang again.

It turned out to be two text messages.

One came from Chen Ling said: "Are you going to get a divorce? Tell me the truth, are you having a kick with that Sun Qingmei?"

Su Yu replied: "Nervous! I just met her today, haven't you seen it today?"

Chen Ling said, "If you don't have one, then why are you willing to get a divorce? Don't say anything else, Yunyun is so beautiful, how many people chase her! You are divorced like this, you will never find anything better than her in the future."

Su Yu said: "It looks good to eat as a meal? Or will it feel different when you go in person? Or is there extra pleasure in doing that? Not to mention, I can't even hold her hand."

Chen Ling: "! Why are you talking so rascal?"

Su Yu replied: "People can change. And, am I wrong? When two people are together, they only need to see their appearance. The most important thing is that they have topics and can accept each other. In my opinion, Come, you are a hundred times better than her."

Chen Ling: "..."

Seeing that Chen Ling did not reply to the news, Su Yu looked at another person's news again——

It was news from a stranger: "Why didn't you hear about your divorce today?"

Su Yu replied "???".

The opposite quickly replied: "Sun Xinlei, the young lady sitting next to you in the ladies' residence the day before yesterday."

Su Yu suddenly replied: "No. Today is her father's 60th birthday, and the divorce will be pushed to tomorrow."

Sun Xinlei said: "You want to leave? Then Shen Chuyun, who looks so good-looking and so rich. It's me, as long as she doesn't mention the divorce and doesn't give me a cuckold, I will never leave."

Su Yu said: "So, you are not me."

Sun Xinlei returned a smile and said, "How about I invite you to dinner at noon tomorrow?"

Su Yu: "..."

Sun Xinlei said: "I will tell you, I think you are very kind, and I want to communicate with you more."

Su Yuqiang laughed.

This damn charm value.

However, there is nothing wrong.

It's better than having no charm, not being able to succeed in chasing after hard, but being treated as a spare tire.

Su Yu said: "Okay, I will call you after finishing the divorce certificate."

Sun Xinlei made a "yeah" expression.

Only then did Su Yu put the phone on the bedside table and fall asleep on the bed.

He didn't get up until noon when he heard the system sign-in sound in his head.

Su Yu yawned and said, "Sign in."

The system said: "Congratulations to the host for signing in successfully and acquiring outstanding skills-looking back half an hour, each time you look back consumes a little mental power. When mental power drops to a certain level, the host will feel exhausted physically and mentally. Please use the host with caution."

Su Yu: "...System, what is my mental strength?"

There was no response in my mind.

Su Yu's face was speechless.

Is this sign-in system defective?

Why is there no property panel?

The system will not chat with itself, let alone explain other related features.

I don't even know the various values ​​of my body now.

Take out a notebook and pen from the drawer and open it.

It was densely written with the things he had signed in every day.

"On December 25, 2020, the sign-in system was late and received a special reward of 25 billion soft sister coins. It feels like a mockery of me being 250."

"On December 26, 2020, I signed in for the second time, and I got the common bonus charm value of +1. What the hell?"

"On December 27, 2020, I signed in for the third time and received a general reward of RMB 10 million. Brother, the average per capita is too high? Before I crossed, my monthly income was only 10,000. Now I feel that 10 million is too poor?"


"On December 24, 2021, the 365th sign-in is the ordinary bonus charm value of +1. I have passed through the cheap wife who hasn't seen it once a year to ask me to see the cheap father-in-law the day after tomorrow. I saw a hammer and divorced! "

"December 25, 2021, the 366th personal arrival, won the special award space ring, tomorrow to participate in the 60th birthday of the cheap father-in-law, there is only the last day to divorce."

Su Yu glanced at each record, and finally added one: "December 26, 2021, the 367th sign-in, the ability to backtrack time for half an hour, today's showdown, and tomorrow's divorce!"

After finishing writing, Su Yu closed the notebook and put it in the drawer.

About to turn around and return to the bed, but then took out the notebook and put it in the space ring, then fell on the bed and continued to sleep.

I slept until dawn the next day.

Su Yu brushed his teeth and washed his face, feeling refreshed.

After today, I am considered a single noble, and he is veritable!

You can wave as you want!

He drove the car out of the community and had breakfast before he rushed to the Civil Affairs Bureau.


Outside the Civil Affairs Bureau are all reporters!

As soon as he arrived, the reporters were like the zombies in the zombie film, either holding the microphone or carrying the camera, and swarmed up.

His car can't go at all!

The reporters poked at the window of his car with microphones, spitting one by one.

"Why do you choose to divorce Ms. Shen Chuyun?"

"Ms. Shen Chuyun is one of the top ten beauties in China. You choose to divorce. Can you think that you have a new love? And is one of the top ten?"

"Ms. Shen Chuyun is the president of Jinyun Games. In this divorce, how many shares did she admit to giving you?"

"The vice president of Lingnan Pharmaceutical just said that he is pursuing Shen Chuyun with all his strength. What is your opinion on this matter?"