Chapter 036 "The Love of a Lifetime"!

As soon as the hip-hop band went upstairs, they walked directly towards Su Yu.

Xi Kemu suddenly became nervous.

Looking at Su Yu, Xi Kemu complained: "You are young, don't say such big things!"

Sun Xinlei said aggrieved: "Mom, you still blame him! If it weren't for you to listen and instigate the divorce——"

Su Yu put down the teacup, stood up, and said to Xi eagerly: "Auntie, you'll know later if you are talking big. I just want to tell you today that Sun Xinlei is an adult. You should support her if she chooses. She's a very good woman, not the trumpet you opened, Auntie."

After finishing speaking, he walked to the stage without waiting for Xi eager to refute.

The hip-hop band stopped when they saw it.

The first young woman with long hair in a black shawl smiled and stretched out her hand: "Hello, gentleman, I am Bai Wanyi, the lead singer of the hip-hop band."

Su Yu and Bai Wanyi shook their hands and said, "Su Yu."

Bai Wanyi smiled and asked, "I don't know which band Mr. Su Yu works for? Or which big music company does he work for?"

Su Yudao: "It's purely a personal hobby."

Bai Wanyi said: "Personal hobby? Mr. Su Yu, what you said makes people a little angry. Amateur and professional are different. Are you an amateur, question the professional level of my band?"

Su Yu shook his head and said: "You misunderstood, I am not questioning the level of your band. What I just said can't be played, not against your band, I'm talking about everyone. This can't be played, and it's not that you don't have this. Ability, but you have never heard this tune."

The first half of Su Yu's words almost detonated everyone.

The tone just now is too big to make people uncomfortable, and now I'm talking about everyone!

However, the second half of the passage makes people feel a lot better.

Bai Wanyi asked in surprise: "Mr. Su Yu created a piece of music by himself? This is the first time I have seen a personal lover who can create a piece of music."

Su Yu did not continue, but said, "Can you let me pass?"

Bai Wanyi was busy withdrawing now.

However, they still did not leave.

They sat down at an empty table.

They wanted to see, what kind of music this young man could create on his own!

A woman next to Bai Wanyi laughed and said, "I still said, who would dare to look down on us so much, it turned out to be such a thing! But the music I created? Just a personal lover?"

Bai Wanyi smiled and said, "Don't discourage the interest of non-professionals."

Su Yu sat on the stool and took a deep breath.

He doesn't just have to perform a tune, he also has to sing!

He didn't know how to play the piano!

Singing is just so-so.

In the past year, he signed in twice for piano-related awards and once for singing-related awards.

For the piano-related rewards, the first time it was a general reward "Piano Introduction".

The second time was the excellent award "Piano Advancement".

The award related to singing is the best award "Jacky Cheung's singing voice".

This year, there were more than 360 sign-ins, and the best awards were only ten times in total.

A slightly nervous mood calmed down, and Su Yu began to review the tune of the entire song in his mind.

The ladies' residence is quiet.

Everyone looked in the direction of the stage.

Shen Chuyun stared at Su Yu's face motionless.

Sun Xinlei was so nervous that a little sweat rolled off her forehead.

Ten seconds passed.

Half a minute passed.

One minute passed.

Su Yu did not move!

The crowd became restless.

"What do you mean, this is?"

"Why haven't responded for so long?"

"Hehe, I'm afraid that everyone from the hip-hop band is here, and I'm nervous, only to realize that I can't be embarrassed."

"This is self-inflicted and can't live!"

"Challenge others' professions as an amateur, and have a good idea."

"I lost all my good feelings!"

Dong Qun's eyebrows were open and smiled.

The scene of the car accident!

Glancing at Xi Anxie next to him, seeing her face extremely ugly, Dong Qun poured a cup of hot tea and comforted: "Auntie, I told you before, this kind of person has no abilities. Shen Chuyun can divorce him. , It's not without reason! Think about who Shen Chuyun is? Is he short of money? Not lacking? She can't stand Su Yu for this kind of person. It can be seen that Su Yu must be seriously ill, breaking through the bottom line of life."

Sun Xinlei turned her head suddenly, suppressing her voice, and said angrily: "Shut up you!"

Dong Qun looked aggrieved and said to Xi eagerly: "Auntie, the IQs of men and women in love are both negative. Look at Leilei, you have lost your eyes!"

Xi Kemu was about to scold Sun Xinlei a little bit. At this moment, Su Yu, who had not moved, put his fingers on the black and white keys of the piano.

As his fingers danced, a somewhat solemn and sentimental tune was flowing like water in the ladies' residence.

The initially restless crowd quieted strangely.

The eyes of the members of the hip-hop band were incredible.

This tune!

I have never heard of it at all!

Moreover, this timbre, this tune, and this rhythm are not at an amateur level!

No, it's better than the music they made!

No no no! They found the taste of classic songs they had heard!

Bai Wanyi's face was full of shock.

how is this possible!

Is there a legacy from the sea in this world?

How can a personal enthusiast create such a song?

As the tuning of the tune slowly dropped, a hoarse voice sounded: "The past and the present will never come again, the red leaves are long buried in the dust. The beginning and the end are always unchanged, and you on the horizon are drifting outside the white clouds. The sea of ​​bitterness turns up. Love and hate cannot escape fate in the world. Blind dates are inaccessible, or I should believe it is fate...or I should believe it is fate."

The piano playing stopped.

Su Yu's singing also slowly stopped.

In his mind, there were scenes from "A Chinese Journey to the West" that he had seen before.

After a long sigh, Su Yu stood up and was about to return to his seat.

Applause suddenly sounded like thunder.

Su Yu was taken aback.

I was so fascinated just now that I didn't even notice that the entire Ladies' Residence stood up.

They applauded vigorously.

Many women burst into tears.


"This is the best tune I have ever heard in my life!"

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu my damned ex-boyfriend. I wonder if he has been killed in a car accident now?"

Bai Wanyi rushed over, shook Su Yu's hand, and said excitedly: "What is the name of this song? Can you tell me what is the name of this song? Join our band? We lack a pianist and male lead singer!"

Su Yu took her away and squeezed her hand, shook her head, and said, "Sorry, I said, this is just a hobby."

Talking, walked to the seat.

When Sun Xinlei saw Su Yu approaching, she smiled brightly like a flower and rushed up.

Su Yu smiled at Sun Xinlei and was about to pass.

Suddenly, his footsteps stopped.

Behind his previous seat, a woman took off her hat and collar, looked at him, and stopped talking.

It turned out to be Shen Chuyun!

Su Yu: "..."

Why is she here?

I didn't notice it just now!

Chong Shen Chuyun nodded, and Su Yu continued to walk towards the seat.

Sun Xinlei glanced at Shen Chuyun warily and hugged Su Yu's arm hurriedly.

Xi Kemu also smiled and said, "I underestimated you!"

Dong Qun's face went down.

Taking a look at Su Yu, he just stood up and left.