37 The First Kiss in the Office

When Sun Xinlei saw Dong Qun leaving, she smiled and said to Xi eagerly: "Mom, look, what am I talking about?"

Xi Kemu glared at her and said, "Mom is just worried about you, but doesn't understand him!"

Sun Xinlei said: "Then you still listen to his nonsense?"

Xi Kemu also said Su Yu said: "The people here are too messy now, shall we change the place?"

Xi Kemu shook his head, smiled and stood up, and said, "You continue to go to work! Today I came to see you. It looks fine now, I won't delay you anymore."

Looking at Sun Xinlei again, she opened her mouth silently: "Learn more, don't rush to cross the boundary."

Sun Xinlei stamped her foot and said: "I see, you go back soon!"

Xi eagerly left before leaving.

Su Yu said to Sun Xinlei: "Let's go back too!"

Sun Xinlei hurriedly hugged his arms, and she almost hung on him and said, "You hold me back."

Su Yu: "...With so many people, are you crazy?"

Sun Xinlei snorted, glanced in Shen Chuyun's direction, and then said: "Then I passed here today, I am very satisfied with you, there is no doubt, you can be my boyfriend!"

Su Yu: "As of today, we've got a lot of money, we have only known each other for three days!"

Sun Xinlei aggrieved: "I have never seen a person like you. Am I not good? Are you not tempted?"

Su Yu pondered for a moment and said: "A little bit."

Sun Xinlei said excitedly: "Then what are you struggling with?"

Su Yu said: "It's better to understand that the time is longer! I am not young anymore and I don't want to fall in love for the sake of love. I want to find a woman who can live a stable life."

Sun Xinlei said helplessly: "Okay, then you hurry up! How many people are in line with such an excellent little cutie like me? If one day you let me be snatched away, you won't regret taking medicine by then."

Shen Chuyun and Wang Xue watched the two leave.

Wang Xue looked at Shen Chuyun in a daze, feeling a little uncomfortable in her heart.

It's a shame this time.

Who knows that Su Yu is still such a talented person!

A "Back View" is as good as a textbook.

Can even play the piano!

Can compose!

Can still sing!

The problem is that the tune and singing are so elegant and beautiful.

Especially those lyrics, how emotional!

I knew him in college, and I met Shen Chuyun together, and for three years, it was the first time to find that he had this ability!

I can bear it!

If I knew this earlier, I'm afraid I couldn't help but be tempted.

This rich woman is probably also tempted.

After all, they are all women.

Unfortunately, I am a little better than her.

I have never owned it myself.

And she had it, but let him go from her fingertips without knowing anything.

With a light sigh, Wang Xue patted Shen Chuyun's hand and whispered: "Let's go, rich woman, he is gone."

Shen Chuyun let out an "um" before walking forward first.


Su Yu returned to the company in Sun Xinlei's car. It didn't take long for the car to drive before he received a message from Han Qing.

Su Yu clicked, and Han Qing said with a series of exclamation points: "Too great! Too great! Boss, what about the latter? What about the latter? I want to see the latter! Don't tell me, you haven't updated it! Do not want!"

Su Yu replied: "Of course it has been updated. When will you come to work? To be honest, I don't know how to run short videos. If you come over, you will be responsible for recruiting personnel."

Han Qing almost immediately replied to the short channel: "You can send me the follow-up content first, boss, I beg you! In this way, you can send the follow-up content to me, and then I will come over after I read it, okay?"

Su Yu said: "Okay, I'll go back to the company and pass it to you, but the file is not with me."

Sun Xinlei saw Su Yu's phone beeping continuously, and curiously asked: "Who are you chatting with?"

Su Yudao: "I want to set up a company that specializes in making short-view screens. I read original novels aloud in the early stage and then work on cosplay and the like. In the later stage, I want to shoot some original movies."

Sun Xinlei widened her eyes and said, "Do you have so much money?"

Su Yu said with a smile, "Probably, it should be no problem to buy your company."

Sun Xinlei: "...Our boss has more than one billion yuan."

Su Yu said: "Then it's okay, it's enough."

Sun Xinlei hissed: "Are you sure?"

Su Yu said: "Do you think I am a braggart?"

Sun Xinlei thought about what Su Yu said today, it wasn't!

He looked down on the writers of the Writers Association, so he made "Back View"!

He said that he played a piece that the band couldn't play, so he sang "The Love of a Lifetime" while playing!

Sun Xinlei smiled suddenly: "Then you say, after we get married, am I eating soft rice?"

Su Yu said seriously: "don't count! You have your own business."

Sun Xinlei said again: "Then you are so rich, why do you want to work? Shen Chuyun's family gave all the money? Was it from Jinyun Games?"

Su Yu said: "These are my own, Shen Chuyun's, it has nothing to do with me. It is her efforts, even if it is divided, I am not embarrassed."

After a pause, Su Yu said again: "As for going to work, why can't I go to work if I have money? Because I have money, I don't have to go to work for work, but can do what I like to do. For example, now, for We know each other about you, and I can come to work anytime. If I don't have money, do you think I can do this?"

Sun Xinlei's head was dotted like a chicken pecking rice.

After a while, she said: "By the way, if you want to start a company, I will ask Li Yanan to consult for you later. She used to be the boss's secretary, and she should know how to do it."

The two returned to the company office, and Li Yanan went to the toilet.

On the other hand, Su Yu's desk had a thick stack of books.

A line of graceful handwriting was left next to it: "This is the knowledge related to the study secretary that I have compiled. If you don't understand, you can ask me."

Sun Xinlei sat opposite Su Yu.

Looking at these handwritings, she asked: "Who left it for you?"

Su Yu pointed to the outside and said, "The Li Yujiao who came in with me is probably because of your face that he is so enthusiastic about me!"

Sun Xinlei shook her head and said, "I don't believe it."

Su Yu said: "What's wrong with this?"

Sun Xinlei stood up suddenly. Su Yu was caught off guard, suddenly leaned over, and pecked on his mouth a few times.

Su Yu was a little confused.

Sun Xinlei kissed again after seeing this.

Su Yu: "..."

This Sun Xinlei has no temper.

Seeing that Sun Xinlei was about to kiss her, Su Yu suddenly grabbed her waist and kissed her hard.

The lips of the two were pressed tightly together, Sun Xinlei's eyes widened, and her eyelashes blinked.

"Sorry, I didn't mean it."

A somewhat flustered voice suddenly sounded.

Seeing the office door opened and closed, a figure backed out in a panic.