Calm Before the Emerald Storm

Aldrich hovered in the air on his alloywing eagle with Valera behind him. One of his Ghasts was tethered to him, preventing anyone from capturing footage or photos of him.

Valera tentatively wrapped her arms around his waist and nodded her head from side to side in happiness. Meanwhile, he looked down to witness the chaos below.

There were thin, packed streets lined with hastily built shacks, shops, and stalls littered with fire, smoke, rubble, and roving slime creatures. Here, people whimpered and screamed as they ran away from slimes or cowered in homes that were broken down from disrepair far before this recent disaster variant attack.

These were the Projects. Ghettos where Dud populations were corralled to live in under government subsidy. Here, they suffered from neglect across all sectors of society.