[Bonus] {A Certain Report}

Friday, November 5, 2117, 1 P.M.

Alter Agency Outpost in Haven City Center


Brent McAllister, current director of the AA's Haven outpost, sat in a sterile white conference room with a group of high-level personnel, or the highest level it could get in a tier 3 city like Haven. They sat about in sleek black chairs that screamed corporate aesthetic as they watched a Panopticon researcher present his findings.

"As you all know, the Panopticon's variant detection network is thorough, but not perfect, especially when it comes to the ocean or subterranean threats.

Even before the Altering, humanity had yet to discover even 5% of the earth's vast oceans, and that problem is still the same now.

Ocean exploration may even be more difficult in this modern era considering the powerful variants that tend to lurk there," said the researcher with a droning voice.