{Red Circle Defense 1}

The Red Circle –

A convoy of three sleek grey armored cars stopped in front of the Red Circle's first line of defense: the guard tower occupied by 'valets' with a boom barrier that now glowed with energy, ready to release a repelling shockwave anytime a car tried to ram into it.

In the guard tower, red coated valets looked down with laser sighted assault rifles. Sentry turrets at the top of the tower joined in on this vigil, aiming their barrels at a convoy of three grey, sleekly armored cars.

The cars stopped in front of the tower, and from the third car, the passenger door slid open as a white and red suited man with golden shades stepped out while adjusting his collar and gel-spiked hair.

A guard accompanied the man, and it was obvious that this guard was no joke. He was armored from head to toe in high end combat armor.