[Bonus] {Red Circle Defense 2}

When the Red Circle was visible, that was when things became more difficult.

Actual Red Circle staff, noted by their white bulletproof suits – though not nearly protective enough to fend against Imugi-class firearms and ammunition – contended against the Elites.

Yet none of these low-level staff could beat the Elites either. In terms of sheer training, the Red Circle staff were on par with the Elites, but the Elites outgunned and outarmored them too severely.

In exchanges of gunfire, explosives, and the occasional usage of Alter powers, the Elites came out on top.

Joe lost two Elites total while Casimir lost twelve of his personal staff, forcing them to retreat back behind the Red Circle's forcefield. The moment the staff was in protective range, raining down suppressive fire so that Joe and his Elites could not advance easily, the forcefield came up.

Joe lit up a cigar as he watched from far behind through a pair of binoculars.