[Bonus chapter] {Dance of Duels 2}

In Haven's sewage network, 150 meters away from the Red Circle –

Darius Fletcher grimaced as he squinted his eyes at his new and dark surroundings. He could not see in the dark, but he could generate enough light from his body to understand that he was somewhere underground.

Specifically, he was inside a huge rectangular pit of some sorts, deep enough that the edges of the pit were several meters taller than he was.

The ceiling above was made of stained reinforced concrete and decorated with a network of pipes. Several large pipes yawned open towards the pit.

The conflicting dual smells of rank human feces and strong antiseptic chemicals filled his nostrils.

Darius knew where he was. The sewers.

"Ah, so you have made it here, as was previously planned," came a smooth, deep and neutral voice. A small aquatic echo rang underneath the voice, as if some part of it was uttered from under the sea.

Darius immediately looked at the end of the pit to see…to see…